For time:
-Run 1 Mile
-100 Pull-Ups
-200 Push-Ups
-300 Air Squats
-Run 1 Mile
Yes, it's as difficult as it looks. I wanted my 5:30 a.m. crew to do this workout, but with a few variations. For everyone that missed this morning, here's what you need to do soon!
5:30 a.m.
30 Minute AMRAP:
-Run 1 Mile (just at the beginning)
*Do the following for the remainder of time.
-10 Push-Ups
-20 Dumbbell Swings
-30 Air Squats
*After time is up, finish with...
-800 m. Run
Most Rounds/Fastest Times: Nelia-10 Rounds. 7:50 Mile. 3:58 800 m.
The 7 a.m. crew worked on some olympic lifting this morning and finished with an intense couplet. A couplet is a workout that consists of only two different movements. Don't let this fool you. If it looks simple, it's usually extremely difficult.
7 a.m.
Clean and Jerk
Griselda clean and jerking 90 pounds!! |
-Kettle Bell Swings
-Box Jumps
Check out all the hard work at 7 a.m.! |
-25 Toes to the Bar
The 5:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. groups can look forward to flip-flopping workouts on Friday. I want to make sure that everyone gets to share in the "FUN!"
Real men drink out of a pink, Disney princess water bottle. |
Congrats on the clean thanks for helping me I enjoy the class !
ReplyDeleteThanks, Eric. You're doing great. So glad you and your princess water bottle joined us! :)