Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday's WODs

Another beautiful, foggy morning in the central valley spent with my hard-core boot campers. I'm always so proud of everyone for showing up ready to work their butts off even in this nasty weather. You all truly are bad a**es and will look amazing when it's time for tank tops and shorts again. Just keep that in mind when you think about skipping a workout.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-Run approximately 400 m. plus the stairs
-10 Burpee Step-Ups
-10 Dips
-10 Cleans to Thrusters
*Rest 1 minute. (The rest is added in so you can keep the same intensity each round).
Some of my dedicated 5:30 a.m. boot campers braving the
cold weather this morning.

Great Times:

7 a.m.
4 Rounds for Time:
-Run 400 m.
-10 Burpee Box-Jumps
-10 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
-10 Thrusters
*Rest 1 minute.

Great Times:
Robin-27:45, 33 lbs.
Steph-30:09, 45 lbs.
Eric-30:26, 65 lbs.
Griselda-31:18, 45 lbs.
Karen-32:03, 45 lbs.
Sandy-22:00 (3 Rounds), 33 lbs.

I completed the workout "Wood" on Monday and just had to share the fun with all my boot campers. What a great workout!

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