Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday's WODs and a Paleo Delight

Happy Hump Day everyone! Great work to all my boot campers this morning. Two more tough workouts completed this week.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-Run 200 m.
-7 Push-Up, Dumbbell Row
-Run 200 m.
-7 HSPU (see modification below)
-Run 200 m.
-20 Kettlebell Swings
-Run 200 m.
-10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

7:00 a.m.
For Time:
-25 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-10 Jumping Lunges

Two Rounds:
-30 Toes to Bar
-30 Wall Balls
-30 Power Snatches

-25 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-10 HSPU
The first round of burpees.

While I haven't had the privilege of doing the 5:30 a.m. WOD, I did complete the 7:00 a.m. one. Um, ow...Those last 25 burpees were definitely in slow motion and my forearms were on fire. I'm very proud of everyone for completing these longer workouts. A special shout out to one of my clients that lost his/her breakfast on the final run, but still finished. Now that's determination!

I had to share this easy and delicious paleo meal we made last night.

Fish Tacos, Minus the Tortilla
-Marinate tilapia (or whatever white fish you have) in olive oil, lime juice, garlic and cilantro
-Sautee marinated tilapia
-Add green and red peppers to the tilapia in the last two minutes, so they stay slightly crunch
-Serve over a bed of cabbage
-Garnish with onion, pico de gallo, guacamole and cilantro
-Devour with zero guilt
This picture doesn't do it justice.

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