5:30 a.m.
"Suzanne: The Fine 59"
Complete 59 Reps of the Following Exercises:
-Jumping Jacks
-Pike Push-Ups
-Squat Jumps
-Weighted Sit-Ups
-Mountain Climbers (Right/Left = 1)
-Weighted Walking Lunges (Right/Left = 1)
-Speed Skate Lateral Jumps (Right/Left = 1)
*Complete 1 burpee every 59 seconds.
The birthday girl working on completing 118 walking lunges. |
The group completed the remaining 59 burpees together at the end of the workout. Happy birthday, Suzanne! Cheers to looking fit, fabulous and smoking hot at 59!
The ladies that shared in the fun for Suzanne's birthday WOD! |
7:00 a.m.
-20 Double Unders or 65 Singles
-5 Handstand Push-Ups
3 Rounds:
-10 Deadlifts
-5 Hang Power Cleans
-3 Push Jerks
-20 Double Under or 65 Singles
-5 Handstand Push-Ups
*Fastest Time: Eric-5:22
Push Press
Awesome job to both groups this morning. I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday. Personally, I'd like to spend the afternoon nursing my chip-induced food coma by copying this kid below. I hope yours is more productive than mine!
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