Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday's WOD and Food Journals

It was another brisk morning today, which meant we started moving immediately and did not stop the entire hour. There's nothing like running in the cool, morning air. It really is therapeutic. You should try it.

-Run 400 m.
-10 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-9 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-8 Burpees...
-Run 400 m.
-1 Burpee
It is a total of 10 laps, or 2.5 miles, and 55 burpees. WOW!

*Fastest Time: Nelia-24:36

Finish With:
-50 Full Sit-Ups

Today was also the first morning that food journals were due. I was happy that everyone brought their journals and the ones I have read seem to be quite honest. Sometimes it's hard writing down what you truly eat in a day. It can be shocking and even embarrassing. Bottom line, get over the embarrassment and be honest with not just me, but yourself. Lying will not help. The first step to improving your diet is being completely honest. That's the only way to figure out where you're doing well and where you need to make some changes. We all eat things we know are unhealthy, but it's important to be conscious of it. The food journal is a great tool to be fully aware of what you're eating and not eating (i.e., protein!!!!). There's no miracle or secret of what it takes to be healthy and fit. Exercise regularly and eat a well-balanced, clean diet. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide if you want it. So, do you want to be the healthiest, happiest and hottest version of yourself?
This is a fabulous guideline to follow.

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