Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday's WODs

As promised here, the 5:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. groups switched workouts. However, I like to keep everyone on their toes, so there were some slight variations to the workouts. They were both very tough workouts, but everyone pushed through and exceeded my expectations as usual.

5:30 a.m.
Clean & Jerk

Nelia-90 pounds

For Time:
-Box Jumps

Fastest Time: Nelia-9:16

Finish With:
-50 Explosive Sit-Ups

7 a.m.
30 minute AMRAP:
-Run 1 Mile (just at the beginning).
*Do the following for the remainder of time.
-10 Pull-Ups
-20 Push-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*After time is up, finish with...
-800 m. Run
Troopers running in this fabulous weather.
Most Rounds: Sandy & Robin-6
Fastest Times: Robin-8:42, 4:16

Remember, there's open gym tomorrow from 8:30-10 a.m. for anyone that missed a workout. I hope everyone has a wonderful and stress-free week-before-Christmas weekend.
This kid knows how to have a relaxing weekend.

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