5:30 a.m.
Clean & Jerk
Nelia-90 pounds
For Time:
-Box Jumps
Fastest Time: Nelia-9:16
Finish With:
-50 Explosive Sit-Ups
7 a.m.
30 minute AMRAP:
-Run 1 Mile (just at the beginning).
*Do the following for the remainder of time.
-10 Pull-Ups
-20 Push-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*After time is up, finish with...
-800 m. Run
Troopers running in this fabulous weather. |
Fastest Times: Robin-8:42, 4:16
Remember, there's open gym tomorrow from 8:30-10 a.m. for anyone that missed a workout. I hope everyone has a wonderful and stress-free week-before-Christmas weekend.
This kid knows how to have a relaxing weekend. |
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