Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday's WODs

Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2011? I swear the years just keep going by faster and faster. Wow, I really sound old now. I am really excited to see what 2012 has in store for all my fabulous clients. Hopefully it involves smaller jeans, sexier arms and tighter glutes. Luckily, you all got a jump-start with today's WOD.

5:30 a.m.
2 Rounds:
-Row 400 meters
-Run 400 meters
Overhead squats are definitely the hardest part. Or maybe
it's the burpees.
"Air Force"
-20 Thrusters
-20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
-20 Push Press
-20 Overhead Squats
-20 Front Squats
*4 burpees at the top of every minute until the workout is complete.
-3 Sets of 10 GHD Sit-Ups
-3 Sets of 10 Back Extensions
A little of the ab work action.
-5 Minutes of Pull-Up Work

7 a.m.
-Same as 5:30 a.m. group
Almost there...
It was a great last workout before the start of 2012. I will see you all next year!
Walter's New Year's resolution:Get
an unassisted pull-up.

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