Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday's WODs

Today was the first day back in 2012 and I must say, the holidays didn't slow anyone down (pun intended). Despite the lovely, foggy weather this morning, everyone showed up ready to work hard and start the new year off right.

5:30 a.m.
-Timed Mile

*Fastest Time: Nelia-6:56
*Most Improved: Kirsten-9:40 (1/03), 10:44 (11/23), 12:10 (9/28). That's major improvement!!
*Honorable Mention: Rosie-7:46, Kandice-8:41, Nicole-9:14, Norma-9:20

4 Rounds for Time:
-25 Jump Squats
-10 Push-Ups
-20 Walking Lunges
-10 Burpees
Kandice showing off her perfect lunge under
the spotlight.
*Fastest Time: Nelia-10:56

7 a.m.
Back Squat
Soon my ladies will be able to say this.
*Back Squat: Karen & Griselda-135, Eric-165

3 Rounds for Time With a Plate:
-Run 400 m.
-20 Walking Lunges (Plate Overhead)
-10 Plate Burpees
-20 Sit-Ups

*Fastest Time: Eric-19:06 (25 lb. plate)

It was great having a little time off over the holidays, but I'm so happy to see everyone and get back into the swing of things. I hope this year everyone is ready to challenge themselves and take their health and fitness regime to the next level. That's where we're all heading!
Cheers to another year of workouts ending
like this!

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