Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Wednesday's WODs

The boot campers had the privilege of meeting two more CrossFit girls, "Cindy" and "Mary", with my own little twist. Similar to all the CrossFit girls, these are two challenging WODs that they got to complete all in one day. So lucky, right?

5:30 a.m.
"Cindy" (revised)
10 min. AMRAP:
-5 Dips
-10 Push-Ups
-15 Air Squats
*Most Rounds: Kandice-9
Rest 2 minutes
Nelia displaying the proper dip form. Elbows parallel to
your shoulders.
4 Rounds:Tabata Run (20 second sprint, 10 second rest)
Rest 2 minutes

"Mary" (revised)
10 min. AMRAP
-5 Handstand Push-Ups (HSPU)
-10 One Legged Squats (pistols), alternating
-10 Dumbbell Burpees
*Most Rounds: Everyone-4
Nicole busting out her pistols in the early morning spotlight.
Ab Work
2 Rounds:
-10 Reverse Sit-Ups
-10 Leg Drops
-10 Butterfly Sit-Ups

7 a.m.
"Cindy" (revised)
10 min. AMRAP
-5 Pull-Ups
-10 Push-Ups
-15 Air Squats
*Most Rounds:Robin-7
Rest 2 minutes
Enjoying their time with "Cindy."
5 min. AMRAP with a Partner:
-Row 100 m.
-Explosive sit-ups until partner is done rowing

Rest 2 minutes

"Mary" (revised)
10 min. AMRAP
-10 Pistols, alternating
-10 Dumbbell Burpees
*Most Rounds: Steph-5
Steph working on TRX pistols.
Ab Work
-Same as 5:30 a.m.

Another great workout in the bag for 2012. As most of you know, today begins our paleo nutrition challenge. I'm excited to see everyone's progress over the next 4-6 weeks. An intense exercise program paired with a clean diet is a recipe for success. Are you ready to succeed?
Walter enjoying a paleo-approved beef bone.

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