Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's WODs

Another great week of workouts in the books. The 5:30 a.m. group completed the workout that the 7:00 a.m. group and I did on Wednesday. Combining running and heavy lifting always makes for an extremely challenging workout. Great job to the early morning group for starting their President's weekend off right!

5:30 a.m.

3 Rounds:
-Run 600 m.
-5 Overhead Squats
-5 Clean to Thruster
-5 Back Squat
Suzanne, Rosie, Kandice and Hayley pushing through
the lifting.
*Fastest Times: Rosie & Kandice-12:48

Finish With...
-Gymnastic Skills! (forward rolls, handstands, bridges)

Remember that amazing/awful workout I mentioned Wednesday? Well, the 7:00 a.m. group was lucky enough to experience it. I think most of them agreed that it was no joke! Awesome job guys!

7:00 a.m.
-10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 400 m.
-20 Pull-Ups
Run 400 m.
-30 Burpees
Run 400 m.
-40 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
Run 400 m.
Diana muscling through her 40 swings. Ouch!
* Fastest Time: Brittany-15:22

Finish With...
-50 Half Moon Sit-Ups

We only have two more weeks in the February session and then we start our food journaling in March. Who's ready for extra accountability? Let's finish February out strong and prepare ourselves for the 8-week challenge starting mid March. Can we say hot beach body preparation! Enjoy your holiday weekend, but keep this in mind...

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