Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day WODs

Happy President's Day everyone! I'm not sure if this day actually holds a significance to anyone, besides the fact that most get the day off and what's not to love about that? Anyway, I changed things up a bit for the 5:30 group this morning. Usually we do intervals on Monday's, but one of the boot campers is suffering from shin splints, so I decided to create a workout in her honor.

Complete the following every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
-5 Hand Release Push-Ups
-7 Dips
-9 Air Squats
-2 Burpees
Tammy surviving the 150 push-ups!
That was a tough 30 minutes! I'm not sure if they all like "Kandice."

4 Rounds:
-30 Second Plank
-30 Seconds of Sit-Ups

The 7:00 a.m. group got to revisit "Helen" this morning and see how their times compared to 6 weeks ago. I was thoroughly impressed with not only the time improvements, but also the fact that most people used heavier kettlebells and improved their pull-up technique.

3 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-21 Kettlebell Swings
-12 Pull-Ups
Katrina, Robin and Griselda moving through the swings.
Look at Eric go in the background!
*Everyone improved their times!!!

Please wish me luck. I will be golfing with my future husband this afternoon. About a year ago, we made a deal that if he started working out and getting into shape, then I would start golfing. Let's just say that he has gone above and beyond and I've, uh...not followed through in the slightest. Dear God, give me patience or a stiff cocktail to get through this!
Me, clearly crushing the ball a few years ago.

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