Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's WODs

Hello Monday and the rain. Thankfully, the storm held off until after both groups were done. Although we all feel hard core and perhaps even brag when we work out in the rain, the bottom line is that it's just not very fun. The rain definitely would've added an extra element of "fun" for both of today's workouts.

5:30 a.m.
-Sprint 200 m.
-Jog 200 m.
Rest 1 minute
-Run 400 m.
Rest 2 minutes
-Run 800 m.
Rest 3 minutes
-Run 400 m.
Rest 2 minutes
-Sprint 200 m.
The beautiful scenery at 5:30 a.m. Unfortunately,
you just can't see it from this amazing iPhone pic.
-Domino Wall Sits/Push-Ups
*Everyone lines up on the wall for wall sits. The first person in line does 5 push-ups and then returns to a wall sit. This continues until everyone in line has done 5 push-ups. If you stand up before it is your turn to do push-ups or everyone is done, you must complete 5 burpees after the round.

-Domino Wall Sits/Explosive Sit-Ups
*Same as above, but with sit-ups.

Only one person admitted to coming off the wall, but I'm pretty sure they're may have been more. Burpee make-ups Wednesday then? :)

7:00 a.m.
Back Squat

3 Rounds (Not For Time):
-50 m. Sled Push
-200 m. Run
-50 m. Sled Push
-7 Dumbbell Burpees
-10 Explosive Sit-Ups
-5 Weighted Sit-Ups
-10 Reverse Sit-Ups
-5 Weighted Sit-Ups
Robin and Steph working on their dumbbell burpees, while
everyone else was outside enjoying the sled.
Congratulations to the 7 a.m. group for completing this workout and not contracting the infamous "Prowler Flu." The sled, A.K.A. prowler, has been widely known for its ability to cause nausea for those that use it. In fact, great job to everyone in the 5:30 group for completing the intervals without getting sick. I did them last Friday and thought I might see the hard-boiled egg I ate for breakfast on the ground...T.M.I.? Sorry.

The rain is supposed to let up by Wednesday and the rest of the week should be great. See you all then for another morning of puke-free workouts. Okay, now I've definitely mentioned vomit too much in this post. My apologies once again.

P.S. Make sure to check out my blog tomorrow to read all about my AMAZING dining experience this past Saturday at La Mo in Turlock. You're all going to be super jealous and make plans to go there as soon as possible.
Picture taken from here.

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