Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Said Yes! (We Think)

As most of you already know, I got ENGAGED last week! Wow, I still cannot believe it. I'm very hard to surprise and I was completely shocked! Here's how it all went down...

Last Thursday was my future husband's (Sorry, I hate the word fiance. It sounds pretentious or something.) birthday, so we went out to dinner last Wednesday to celebrate. We invited his parents, my parents and our two best friends to dinner at Bistro 234. I did not think anything of it because we were there to celebrate Andy. I should have known that everything always eventually becomes all about me. Just kidding, sort of.

Andy's parents do not live in Turlock, so they arrived a little later than all of us. Andy went outside to go get them and asked my dad to, "Come outside and help his dad bring something in." I thought this was a little weird considering we were tucked away in a corner in the restaurant. Were they going to try to wheel a bike in or something? That would be awkward. Much to my relief and confusion, they all walked back in empty handed. Little did I know, Andy was asking my dad if he could marry me. Apparently Andy had tried to previously ask him, but chickened out. Luckily, my dad loves spontaneity and Andy, so he gave him his permission.

Everyone sat down and proceeded to order drinks like any other normal dinner. As I was wrapped up in ordering a delicious glass of wine, I noticed that my friend kept glancing at me and giving me awkward smiles. She's definitely not the best at keeping secrets. I ignored her strange looks and wrote it off as her being a dork like we usually are together. Finally, our drinks arrived and we all toasted Andy's birthday.

At this point, Andy stood up to make a toast and asked me to stand up as well. I wish I could say that I remember everything he said, but I immediately broke out into a sweat and started nervously laughing. I knew this was it. He got down on his knee and I am told that he said some very nice things as he pulled the ring out of his pocket and proceeded to put it on my right hand. I only remember telling him that it was the wrong hand as I jumped on him to give him a hug. We're still not certain if I ever said, "Yes."
Not a reenactment. This was the real deal.
The rest of the evening was spent enjoying a great meal with our family and best friends. Okay, okay and texting everyone I know, "I'M ENGAGED!!!!" I also knew pretty much everyone there considering Turlock is a small town and Bistro is by far the best restaurant in town, so I got to share the good news with them too! Oh, how I hate being in the spotlight...

Andy whispering in my ear, "Did you say yes?"
Honestly, I could not have pictured a better way to get engaged to the man I've known was special since the moment I set eyes on him over 4 years ago. Cheers to the months ahead of wedding planning and the years of happiness with my future husband to come!

Here are a few photos of us over the years. I realized that we're both incapable of taking a serious picture.
Our first date with friends. Loving the old
school golf attire.
The night he fell in love with me for doing pull-ups on
a tree.
Our second attempt at hiking Half Dome.
Our first weekend trip together to Murphy's. Rain storm and
no power, but memorable!

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