Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday's WODs

I, as well as the rest of the 5:30 a.m. crew, was extremely relieved when I woke up this morning and it wasn't raining like it was yesterday...big sigh! I definitely did not want the early morning group to miss a workout that included 30 manmakers. Yes, I said 30! As usual, everyone including the new members of our group, completed the workout with plenty of groans. I'm almost positive that they were groans of shear happiness to be improving their health. Right?

5:30 a.m.
5 Manmakers
-50 Mountain Climbers
-50 Weighted Step-Ups
5 Manmakers
-25 Dips
-100 Jump Ropes
5 Manmakers
-30 V-Ups
-20 Grasshoppers
5 Manmakers
-30 Dumbbell Swings
-20 Knees to Elbows (Sit-Ups)
5 Manmakers
-25 Back Extensions
-30 Jump Squats
5 Manmakers
This is what they all had to remember during this
morning's workout.
The 7:00 a.m. crew was in for a serious burner this morning. The short, intense met-con in the beginning definitely left little room to catch your breath. Nothing like getting a serious butt-kicking in less than 15 minutes.

7:00 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-25 Double Unders/100 Singles
-10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (Women's Rx = 65#)
-15 Wall Balls
*Fastest Time: Shannon-9:31
Check out the synchronized sumo deadlift hight pulls.
Looking good ladies!
Push Press
Coach Shannon joined the 7:00 a.m. group.
Great wall balls!
I loved seeing all the hard work and sweaty faces this morning. I can't wait to see you all Friday morning. As always, I have some fun things up my sleeve. Happy hump day!

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