Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday's WODs

Sorry for not posting this yesterday, but I took a day trip to Walnut Creek to celebrate my future husband's birthday since our engagement last week kind of stole his thunder. We shopped, ate too much and just enjoyed actually having a day off together. Those don't happen very often for us.

Here are the two WODs that kicked off the February session. I knew many of us over-indulged for Super Bowl, so I wanted to make sure to help everyone burn off a few of those greasy wings and beers.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds:
-Run hard for 5 minutes.
-Active recovery for 2 minutes.

*Most Laps Completed: Nelia-15 laps (That's almost 4 miles!)

-50 Push-Ups
-50 Butterfly Sit-Ups

7:00 a.m.

15 minute AMRAP:
-15 Air Squats
-10 Push-Ups
-Ladder Runs
Katrina and Christa moving through their push-ups
and wondering what they got themselves into.
*Most Rounds: Katrina-8

Great job to everyone yesterday morning. I'm loving seeing all the new faces ready to take on a new challenge. The first week is definitely the hardest to push through both mentally and physically. Although the workouts are never easy, you will get more efficient at the different movements and be able to complete the workouts faster or complete more rounds in the allotted time. Remember, it takes hard work, determination and a decent amount of pain to be in great shape. If it was easy, everyone would have washboard abs and a rock solid rear. Keep showing up, working hard and that tight bum won't be such an unrealistic dream.

*Here's a quick video from a competition I did this last Friday. This was the last workout and I was definitely feeling the pain!

1 comment:

  1. Greatvideo. Good job to you and Andy for your completion of the competition and placing. I think that is awesome! Motivates everyone else.
