The petrified look of a man as he realizes what he just committed himself to. |
Anyway, today was the last day of the January boot camp session and I was quite pleased with everyone. The 5:30 a.m. group knocked out a workout that combined two favorite exercises, the burpee and the wall ball. Since they're both not hard enough alone, I decided to make them into one move. You're welcome.
5:30 a.m.
Pause Back Squats
(Get to the bottom of your squat and hold for 2 seconds. Meaning 1, one thousand, 2 one thousand...up!)
400 m. Run
2 Rounds:
-10 Burpee Wall Balls
-10 Toes to Bar
-10 Dumbbell Push Press
200 m. Run
1 Round:
-10 Burpee Wall Balls
-10 Toes to Bar
-10 Dumbbell Push Press
800 m. Run
Look at all my gymnasts! |
*Fastest Time: Nelia-16:42
The 7:00 a.m. group had the pleasure of completing the first WOD that I will be doing in a competition tomorrow. I had to use them as guinea pigs to perfect my strategy. Thanks guys!
Clean & Jerk
Rest 1 minute.
An oldie, but a goodie of Griselda after her 220# deadlift. Steph and Sandy were quite impressed. |
*Fastest Time: Griselda-5:03
Great job to everyone this morning. It's been another great month full of PR's, sore muscles and hard work. I can't wait to see what February has in store for us!
Thank you again for everyone's congratulatory comments. Despite my earlier teasing, I realize that I am extremely fortunate to be surrounded by such amazing people that truly care. You all make the long, cold, early, exhausting mornings something to look forward to each day.
Walter wishes you all happy napping over the weekend. |
congratulations my