Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday's WODs

Yesterday was the start of the last week of the February session. The boot campers have two more new and intense workouts to push through this week before their week off between sessions. I've loved seeing all the progress this past month and I cannot wait to see what a little food accountability will do for everyone. Here are the two workouts the groups survived yesterday.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-15 Push-Ups
-20 Sit-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*Rest 2 minutes.
**The purpose of the rest is to be able to recover and have the same power output each round.
It's finally getting light in the morning! Check out the blossoms.
*Fastest Time: Nelia-25:16

7:00 a.m.
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
-5 Manmakers
-40 Air Squats
-4 Manmakers
-30 Air Squats
-3 Manmakers
-20 Air Squats
-2 Manmakers
-10 Air Squats
-1 Manmakers
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
Griselda, Karen and Jennifer working through 3
different parts of the manmaker.
*Fastest Time: Robin-11:15

Don't forget we will all be completing the CrossFit Open workout this week. It will most likely be Thursday since I will be gone Friday. All workouts are posted on Wednesday at 5p.m., so it will be a surprise for all of us! Most of you made it through 7 minutes of burpees, so it can't get much worse than that. Or can it???
Me after the first CrossFit Open WOD. Thank
God it's a little blurry! A big thank you to
Robin and Eric for coming to support us.

1 comment:

  1. Yes!! Thank you Robin and Eric for cheering on the athletes and motivating them to get an extra few reps..
