5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-15 Push-Ups
-20 Sit-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*Rest 2 minutes.
**The purpose of the rest is to be able to recover and have the same power output each round.
It's finally getting light in the morning! Check out the blossoms. |
7:00 a.m.
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
-5 Manmakers
-40 Air Squats
-4 Manmakers
-30 Air Squats
-3 Manmakers
-20 Air Squats
-2 Manmakers
-10 Air Squats
-1 Manmakers
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
Griselda, Karen and Jennifer working through 3 different parts of the manmaker. |
Don't forget we will all be completing the CrossFit Open workout this week. It will most likely be Thursday since I will be gone Friday. All workouts are posted on Wednesday at 5p.m., so it will be a surprise for all of us! Most of you made it through 7 minutes of burpees, so it can't get much worse than that. Or can it???
Me after the first CrossFit Open WOD. Thank God it's a little blurry! A big thank you to Robin and Eric for coming to support us. |
Yes!! Thank you Robin and Eric for cheering on the athletes and motivating them to get an extra few reps..