Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday WODs and V-Day Dinner

I was very pleased this morning that everyone showed up to work off all the Valentine's Day candy. The 5:30 a.m. workout was inspired by an amazing/awful workout I completed yesterday. It was a serious burner and so was this morning's! I was impressed to see that almost everyone knocked it out in less than 20 minutes. I've got some hard core people at 5:30!
Hayley completing her dumbbell burpees.
Welcome back, friend!
5:30 a.m.
-10 m. Backwards Lunge/Sprint
Run 1 Lap, 1 Time Up/Down Stairs
-20 Weighted Ninja Get-Ups
Run 1 Lap, 2 Times Up/Down Stairs
-30 Dumbbell Burpees
Run 1 Lap, 3 Times Up/Down Stairs
-40 Wall Balls
Run 1 Lap, 4 Times Up/Down Stairs
-50 Tuck Jumps
Run 1 Lap, 5 Times Up/Down Stairs
Rosie, the eskimo!
*Fastest Time: Nelia-18:26

Finish With...
-50 Half Moon Sit-Ups

The 7:00 a.m. group also had an intense workout to complete. 600 meters is a tough distance to maintain after burning out your legs with squats and fighting the brutal wind this morning. Trust me, I know from experience...ouch!

7:00 a.m.
Push Press
Steph and Eric on their first round.
3 Rounds:
-Run 600 m.
-5 OHS
-5 Clean to Thrusters
-5 Back Squats
Robin pushing through her clean to thrusters.
Fastest Time: Simran-11:21

Finish With...
-8 Half Moons
-8 Straight Leg Deadlift
Loving those half moons.
As usual, everyone did a great job. Half the battle of working out is showing up consistently and I must say, our clients are extremely consistent. I guess that's why they're all continuously progressing and seeing results. Honestly, self-improvement feels pretty damn satisfying.

Here's the paleo-friendly dinner that my Valentine and I whipped up last night. However, the glass of red wine and piece of chocolate were not quite paleo. Heart friendly though!
Tri-tip, balsamic broccoli and baked sweet potato fries.
Not pictured: Wine and chocolate.

1 comment:

  1. I made the blog- woo! Seriously great workout (I didn't think that mid burpee, of course) but after the fact I feel great!
