Friday, April 6, 2012

A 31st Birthday WOD

Good Friday started off well for my boot campers. They completed a special workout in honor of Kandice's 31st (or was it 12th??) birthday. Let's just say that 31 reps of 9 exercises proved to be quite difficult. I know, I just did it too. Sorry and you're welcome boot campers!
Rosie setting up for her deadlift. Great form.
Suzanne and Rosie busting out 31 calories on the rowers.
"The Fun 31"
31 Reps of Each. You must complete each exercise before moving to the next:
-Dumbbell Cleans (Full Squat)
-Slam Balls
-Explosive Push-Ups (or however you can manage to push yourself off the ground)
-Toes to Bar
-Wall Balls
-Row (Calories)
-Back Extensions
-BURPEES! (Everyone had to finish with these)
Kirsten and Lauri working on their push-ups.
*Fastest Time: Kandice-20:41. Way to go birthday girl! Check her out at the end of butt-kicking performance!

I would like to congratulate everyone for completing this intense workout. Some said it was the hardest we've ever done. I may have to agree. Also, congratulations on completing the first half of our 8 week session. The food journals have been great and the hard work has been amazing. I can't wait to see where everyone is in another 4 weeks!
Dumbbell cleans and wall ball action.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Happy Easter to those that celebrate it. Enjoy a great weekend with your friends and family. Try to keep the consumption of Cadbury eggs and Peeps to a minimum.
Check out that full squat. Go Amy!

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