Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's WOD: Final Re-Test

TGIF, people! What an awesome morning I had with my boot campers. They completed their final re-test and the results couldn't have been better! It's an extremely grueling AMRAP that leaves your arms feeling like jello.

Push Press
Gracie rocking the push press. Welcome back!
15 Minute AMRAP:
-75 Wall Balls
-50 KBS
-30 Pull-Ups
*1 Round is 155 Reps
Nelia, Rosie and Kandice moving through their 2nd round of
kettlebell swings. Ouch!
Total Reps:
       3/16    5/4
Rosie:173       278 (That's 105 rep improvement. Crazy!!)
Karina:135     195
Amy:144        200
Kandice:184    275
Nelia:201        265
Kirsten:          211
Gracie:            135
Amy and Karina looking determined to finish
their pull-ups.
Honestly, I was so excited for everyone this morning. Most of them used heavier kettlebells as well as medicine balls and held themselves to a higher standard and still showed huge improvements!! It's amazing to see how much more you can accomplish in just 8 short weeks of hard work.
A little core work for a cool down.
Fit and Fierce Boot Camp is all about showing up, working hard and making healthy, realistic lifestyle changes. As I've said before, there are no miracle potions to get fit. You must put in the work to see results. Ask any one of my dedicated boot campers and they will tell you that it's definitely not easy, but the results are worth it. I want to congratulate each and every one of my boot campers for their great job during the past 8 weeks. I can't wait for the next 8 weeks starting next Tuesday! You're all going to have some smokin' hot bikini bodies!
Caution:This may happen to some of my boot campers
when traveling this summer.

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