Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday and Friday's WODs

We had a great second week packed with 3 tough workouts. I'm always impressed that my boot campers are pretty much up for any challenge, no matter how crazy it sounds or looks. Both Wednesday and Friday's workouts looked and sounded a little crazy.


With a Partner Complete:
-Dumbbell Burpees
(Each partner does half the db burpees)

1 Round after each burpee set of:
-5 Bench Dips
-10 Dumbbell Push Press
-15 Air Squats
(Both partners had to complete all reps of each)

-4 50 m. Stair Sprints
(Divide between partners)
Amy, Nicole and Nelia trying to be the first team to finish!
*At the end of the workout, each person completed 55 dumbbell burpees, 50 bench dips, 100 dumbbell push press, 150 air squats and 1,000 m. of sprints. WOW!!!!

*This workout was completed by CrossFit Turlock members on Wednesday and I just couldn't let my boot campers miss out!

For Time:
-1,000 m. Run
-20 Deadlifts (60% of max)
-30 Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
-40 Wall Balls
-50 Ab Mat Sit-Ups
-60 Handstand Walking Steps
-70 Double Unders (125 Singles)
-800 m. Row

*Fastest Time: Rosie-19:13

What an awesome second week! I know most of my boot campers are pretty sore, so lick your wounds over the weekend and relax because we're back at it bright and early Monday morning! Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you all Monday for some more torture, I mean fun.
Walter, after a long walk to and from Farmer's Market.
Don't we all wish we could nap after a tough workout?

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