Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 2: Monday's WOD

Well, I was a total blog slacker last week and did not blog about Wednesday or Friday. Terrible, I know. Especially since they were such great workouts. I'll make sure to sprinkle in some pictures from last week just to give everyone a little taste of what my boot campers completed. This morning was no joke. I think all my boot campers agreed that it was one of the most different, yet challenging workouts.

For Time:
-Run 800.

6 Rounds:
-20 seconds Squatting Broad Jumps
10 second Sprint
-20 second Walking Lunges
10 second Sprint
-20 second Duck Walks
10 second Sprint
-30 seconds Push-Ups
-30 seconds Mountain Climbers
*Rest 1 Minute.
They had to touch their chest to the curb
each rep!
For Time:
-Run 800 m. (The goal was to match or beat their first 800 m. time).

What a great morning! I love changing up the workouts and adding in new twists whenever possible. They all went with the flow and killed it! I know it probably wasn't anyone's favorite WOD, but there was no question that it was a great one. Good job and I'll see you all on Wednesday with a few more tricks up my sleeve!
Amy setting a clean PR last Friday.

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