Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday's Re-Test WOD

Another great re-test WOD this morning! Just like Monday, there were some major improvements in times.  This was a very challenging workout, so I was glad when most of the boot campers didn't remember it. They all went in full force, with an open mind and killed it!

2 Rounds For Time:
-250 Singles (Jump Rope)
-50 Dumbbell Thrusters
-50 Renegade Rows (25R/25L)
-1000 m. Run Plus 4 Times Up/Down Stairs
Rosie working on her jump roping.
           3/16    5/2
Nelia-24:16    24:12
Rosie-28:23    26:19
Amy-32:40     28:59
Cathy-23:00   22:07
Nicole-28:55   27:20
Kandice          27:30
Gracie            27:39
Kirsten           29:19
Nicole and Kandice busting out their thrusters.
Great job to all my boot campers! More proof that hard work and dedication pay off over time. One more re-test on Friday. I cannot wait to see how everyone does!!
Amy and the renegade rows. Great form!
On a separate note, I'm so happy to have such dedicated boot campers. We were supposed to take next week off, which I thought they would all enjoy, but none of them wanted to. I thought they would at least want a week away from me and my programming. Thank you all for wanting to work so hard week after week. All of your hard work, commitment, enthusiasm and sense of humor make 5:30 a.m. enjoyable. Trust me, that's not a statement I thought I would ever make about waking up early. I love you all and look forward to many, many more sessions of awesome workouts in the future!

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