Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday's...I Mean Tuesday's WODs

After a long holiday weekend filled with family, friends, food and drinks, we were back at it this morning. The holidays are always marked with over-indulging, so we had to off-set that with intense endurance WODs. Great job to everyone that showed up and burned off a few of those holiday calories in this foggy weather.

5:30 a.m.
-1 minute on/1 minute off
-1 minute on/50 seconds off
-1 minute on/40 seconds off
-1 minute on/30 seconds off
...Continue until you reach 1 minute on/10 seconds off. Immediately, go back up the ladder and finish with 1 minute on/1 minute off.

*Everyone completed 6 laps and Rosie almost completed 7 laps.

-Run 1 mile.
-10 air squats every minute on the minute until 1 mile is completed.
I'm sure this is what most of you would've preferred to be
doing this morning.
*Homework: Complete 50 push-ups and 50 explosive sit-ups.
It always helps to have a friend assist you with explosive
sit-ups. Good job Karen and Steph.
7 a.m.
-5 minutes of Pull-Up Practice

Overhead Squats
Steph working on her overhead squat. Just a
little lower...
-1 minute on/1 minute off
-1 minute on/50 seconds off
-1 minute on/40 seconds off
-1 minute on/30 seconds off
...Continue until you reach 1 minute on/10 seconds off. Immediately, go back up the ladder and finish with 1 minute on/1 minute off.
They talked me into joining them on the rower.
-50 Explosive Sit-Ups

I will see you all tomorrow morning to continue shedding those holiday calories.

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