Thursday, April 19, 2012

Eat Fresh!

Yes, people. It's that time of year. The fruit stands are beginning to open!!! I was driving down Monte Vista the other day and literally squealed when I saw the strawberry stand open. Wooo!!! There's really nothing better than fresh strawberries. Besides maybe fresh watermelon, fresh asparagus, fresh bell peppers...Honestly, I could go all day.

We are extremely lucky in the Central Valley to have access to such fresh produce. There are literally dozens of fruit stands scattered throughout Turlock itself. You know what's even better? Having locally grown produce in one area on a weekly basis. That's right. I'm talking about Turlock Farmer's Market. It begins next Friday, May 4th!

That's it. No more excuses for not eating right when you have countless varieties of fresh fruits and vegetables at your fingertips every Friday. Get your butt down to the farmer's market every Friday from 8-1. I'll see you there!

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