Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wednesday's Partner WOD

What a great morning! I'm so excited for the warmer weather and lighter days to come. As the weather starts to heat up, there's no better time to get your sweat on than early in the morning. The air is still crisp and the sun begins to peak through halfway through the workout. It really is a fabulous way to start your day. One of my boot campers recently requested a partner workout and since I'm there to please them, I came up with this little WOD. I think they all enjoyed sharing the "fun" with someone else.

Rosie and Nelia crushing the first partner WOD!
*While one partner does burpees, the other partner does as many explosive sit-ups as possible. When one partner finishes the burpees, they switch. After the second partner completes the first set of burpees, the partner doing sit-ups sprints 100 m. and up a flight of stairs. The other partner waits to sprint until their partner returns from the run and tags their hand. 
*It's a total of 55 burpees and 10 sprints each. They did not have to count their sit-ups.
**Fastest Time: Nelia & Rosie-27:42

Finish With:
Nicole and Karina competing against each other.
*Similar to the burpee, sit-up WOD, one partner does air squats until the other partner completes the dips and then they switch. I asked the boot campers to keep track of their air squats.

*Most Air Squats-Suzanne, Karina and Kirsten-118 (2 worked at the same time and they only counted 2 people's air squats)

What a fun morning! I loved watching the partners work together to complete this tough WOD. I think there will definitely be more partner WODs in our near future. See you all Friday!

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