Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I'm a Slacker...Monday's WOD

I really have no excuse for not posting since last Thursday, besides wedding stuff. Despite scaling my wedding waaaaay back and making it much more casual, there's still quite a bit that has to be done. I don't know how brides of extravagant weddings do it!

Anyway, the weather was perfect for running yesterday morning and that's just what they did!
My cousin's crossfit war wound and future tattoo. :)
4 Rounds:
-Run hard for 5 minutes.
-Rest 2 minutes.
*Try to run the same distance each time.

*All the ladies ran at least 2 miles.
Nelia working on handstand wall walks last Friday.

3 Rounds for Perfection:
-10 Tricep Push-Ups
-20 Single Leg V-Ups (10R/10L)
-20 Reverse Lunge, Kick (10R/10L)

Here's what my boot campers completed last Friday. It was a tough one!
Shoulder Press
Kandice working on her wall balls.
10 Minute AMRAP:
-Run 600 m. (Just once)
-10 Slam Balls
-5 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (SDHP)
-10 Wall Balls

Rosie, Nelia and Amy moving through the 10 minutes of fun.
Finish with...
-3 Minute Plank Challenge. Holy shaky arms and dead shoulders!
2 minutes in...
Great job to all my boot campers. Two challenging workouts and more to come tomorrow! I had a few requests, so I have a few ideas working. See you all bright and early tomorrow morning!

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