Thursday, April 12, 2012

Get Outside and Move!

The weather is getting warmer, although it's been a little fickle here, but it is happening gradually. With the warmer months approaching, take it upon yourself to change up the scenery and get outside to exercise. There are endless possibilities when you step outside. Of course, there's running, but take a chance to look around at some different options in the area. Make a date with your special someone or good friends to take a hike, sign up for swimming classes at local colleges, go roller blading/roller skating (my mom actually recently bought some skates) or just get out and take a nice long walk in a neighborhood you've never explored.
Can you imagine a few trips up those babies?
We're lucky in California to have some pretty amazing places to get out a break a sweat, but I recently went to Denver and was somewhat jealous of the amazing mountains they have surrounding them. Not to mention the crazy altitude that winds you after walking up one flight of stairs. My friend took me to Red Rocks Amphitheater where they hold concerts and numerous boot camps. I was instantly overwhelmed with jealousy and decided I needed to move my boot camp to Denver. Anyone want to follow?
Check out that view. Any takers?
How about now?

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