Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wednesday's AMRAP's

Holy crazy weather! It has gone from raining, to somewhat muggy, to clear, to sunny, to hailing and back to sunny. Luckily for my boot campers, the rain let up for almost our entire workout. It was actually nice and dare I say, even somewhat warm this morning. A few boot campers were down to tank tops. It drizzled a little at the end, which was actually a perfect cool down after the tough AMRAP's (As Many Rounds as Possible) they completed.

5 Minute AMRAP:
-7 Dumbbell Burpees
-25 Singles (Jump Rope)
Rest 1 Minute
Dumbbell burpees and jump roping in the fabulous lighting.
5 Minute AMRAP:
-10 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch (5R/5L)
-10 Turbo Twists (Imagine extremely uncoordinated break dancing and this is what it looks like).
Rest 1 Minute.
Nelia, Jessie, Amy and Kelly surviving the single arm snatches.
5 Minute AMRAP:
-Jump Up the Steps and Run Down (3X)
-10 V-Ups
Rest 1 Minute
Some of the ladies working on their turbo twists. Suzanne
is definitely a break dancer at heart.
*Repeat all 3 AMRAP's and try to match or beat the number of rounds you did the first time through each. Check out their last time through on the final AMRAP. It started raining again at this point.

I was a little worried when I woke up this morning that the weather would not permit us to get everything in that I had planned, but it turned out great! I'm always proud when everyone shows up ready to bust their butts, regardless of bad weather. Rain or shine, you're all troopers and true bad a**es!

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