27 Minutes of Tabata
(Tabata is 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds off. It's a total of 4 minutes).
-Air Squats (They had to rest at the bottom of the squat. Yes, it's very hard).
-Dumbbell Power Cleans
-Jump-Ups on a Step
-Dumbbell Swings (They only had to do 3 minutes of this in order to total 27 minutes).
At the end of their workout, I challenged them all to a little burpee contest. If anyone could beat me at 27 burpees, then they would not have to do any burpees for the remainder of the session. I had a few challengers, but I was able to beat them. However, I have a little confession. I purposely challenged them after their workout because I knew a few of them may be able to beat me. Now that's evil. :)
I would just like to thank my future husband, family, friends and amazing boot campers for making my 27th birthday a good one. I'm lucky to have so many wonderful people in my life to make each day, not just my birthday, special. Cheers to another year in my late twenties!
A few of my favorite people helping me celebrate. |
Holly crap the table is on fire !