's really hard! This is basically what I have been hearing from the majority of my clients and frankly, I agree with them. You must be discplined, organized and well-prepared on paleo. Disciplined enough to say no to the delicious chocolate-covered almonds in the Christmas gift basket, organized enough to know what you need for each meal and prepared to make basically every single meal you eat. That's a lot of work and it's easier to just say "Forget it," and grab a burrito on your lunch break.
I thought this explained paleo perfectly. |
Here's how I'm attacking my paleo problems. First and foremost, I bought A LOT of groceries consisting of food items that I can mix and match for quick, easy meals. For example, ground turkey and an assortment of vegetables. Sautee them all together and you have an easy lunch and/or dinner. Breakfast has been an issue for many clients as well. I hard boiled eggs ahead of time and bring one with me each morning, along with a piece of fruit and a serving of raw almonds (locally grown of course). Like I
previously stated, you must be a little creative.
My parents' 4 dogs are paleo...seriously. Walter hasn't
made the commitment yet. |
The number one problem my clients are having is craving something, eating it and then just giving up on paleo altogether. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm pretty sure that most people on paleo have slipped up at least once and those that say they haven't are probably lying. If you find yourself absolutely craving cheese, then have a serving. That one serving is not going to completely negate everything else you have done. However, eating an entire block of cheese will be problematic. The point is, allow yourself a little of something you are craving and then get back on track.
I understand that paleo may not be realistic to follow forever, but it's a great way to clean up your diet and get you back on track after the holidays. Look, I am not a proponet of crazy crash diets (i.e., the cayenne pepper/maple syrup water diet, really?) because they don't work. Yes, maybe people stick to them for 2-4 weeks, but as soon as they're done, they revert back to all of their old habits. Paleo is different because it's a lifestyle. You can choose how you want to modify it, but the general concept of eating healthy is there. The most important thing paleo has done for me is make me aware of what I was eating too much of (bread) and what I needed to eat more often (protein). I'm not saying that I haven't slipped up and eaten a few of those delicious chips in my parents' pantry, but I'm at least conscious of how many I've eaten and I make up for it at my next meal.
The overall lesson here, eat healthy. If paleo helps you do that, then by all means, follow it or some version of it. However, if you need a nice glass of 2009 Clark & Telephone Belle Glos Pinot Noir in the ridiculously large wine glass you got in Monterey to keep you sane after consuming meat and vegetables all day, then have one. After all, what's life without a few indulgences here and there?
My sanity. |