Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Price of Health

Often times when I discuss the cost of CrossFit classes with new and potential clients, they respond by saying that it is expensive. Some clients even quit after a short time claiming that it is a "financial burden." Frankly, I think it's a cop out. Please don't mistake this as me being uncompassionate. I understand that times are tough right now and people need to save money wherever possible. However, I know that people also choose how to spend their money and they don't always make the best choices.

I sat down a few weeks ago with a client that was worried about the cost of boot camp. I listened to this person's financial worries and then suggested we go over daily expenses. It went a little something like this:

Grande Starbuck's Latte-$3.50, Subway meal-$7.00, Dinner and drinks with friends-$25.00. This person goes to Starbuck's an average of 4 times a week ($14.00), out to lunch 5 times a week ($35.00), and out to dinner around 3 days a week ($75.00).

We discovered that, on average, this person was spending $124 a week on food and drinks. That's a total of $496 a month! They could have paid for 2 sessions of boot camp ($135/month) and unlimited group CrossFit classes ($160/month) and still had $66 left over to buy groceries.
This could never make me feel as good as
the ability to do the below.
I realize that this may be an extreme case and slight addiction to dining out, but we all have areas that we could cut back on expenses. Some people shop a lot, travel or go out to eat excessively. The point is that we all make choices. We choose how to spend our money and what is a priority to us. If getting healthy is really a priority to you, then you can CHOOSE to make it happen. Stop making excuses and have a serious conversation with yourself. Start bringing your lunch and making your own coffee. Don't buy that new purse that resembles the other 5 you have sitting in your closet. Nothing can make you feel better than investing in your health. Your health is your choice and you can choose to make it a priority.
Sorry Starbuck's, but it feels better to spend money
doing this.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday's WODs

What a great morning! I was so impressed with everyone and so happy to see all the progress. It's amazing what you can accomplish when you consistently work hard.

5:30 a.m.
-Run 1 mile
-Active rest for 5 minutes
-Controlled Burpee Set: Each Set is 1 min in Duration
  Minute 1 (Compete 1 Burpee)
  Minute 2 (Complete 2 Burpee's)
  Minute 3 (Complete 3 Burpee's)
  Minute 4 (Complete 4 Burpee's)
  Minute 5 (Complete 5 Burpee's)
  Minute 6 (Complete 6 Burpee's)...
*The goal here is to keep going until you cannot complete the corresponding number of burpee's for the associated minute. Meaning...if you cannot complete 9 burpee's in the 9th minute, then your session is over. 

*Fastest Time: Nelia-7:16. She made it to Minute 15 on her burpees. That is a total of 120 burpees!!!

7:00 a.m.
Pause Back Squat (Pause for 2 seconds at the bottom of each squat)

Same as 5:30 a.m. group
I think this shirt is a little more representative of everyone's
feelings after this morning.
*Fastest Time: Steph-6:58. She made it to Minute 10 on her burpees. That's a total of 55 burpees.

Great job to everyone this morning! I loved seeing all of you push through such a tough WOD. More to come Wednesday!
You can all thank this guy for suggesting this work out.
Thanks Andy!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday's WODs (A Day Late)

Yes, this post is a day late. I was extremely busy yesterday discussing all the upcoming changes and growth we are experiencing at CrossFit Turlock. We are excited to have so many new people interested in joining our gym and becoming part of the dedicated team of members we currently have. As dedicated as our members are, we are equally as dedicated to providing the best training environment possible. Thus, we must continue to make changes and fine tune our methods to accommodate our growing clientele. I'm excited for the many things we have coming up in the near future. Stay tuned!

Sorry, that was a bit of a tangent. Here are yesterday's workouts.

5:30 a.m.
Front Squat

3 Rounds for Time:
-20 Double Unders/80 Singles
-5 Box Jumps
-10 Dumbbell Power Cleans
-15 Burpees
-200 Meter Plate Run
First round of burpees. Only 30 to go!
*Fastest Time: Nelia-13:42 (25 lb. plate, 20 lb. dumbbells)

7:00 a.m.
-Run 400 Meters
-21 Deadlifts
-Run 400 Meters
-15 Kettle Bell Swings (KBS)
-Run 400 Meters
-15 KBS
-Run 400 Meters
-21 Deadlifts
The Wright family working on their first set of 21 deadlifts.
*Fastest Time: Travis-15:11 (95 lb. deadlift, 25 lb. KB. Good job for your first time at CrossFit!)

Great job to all my boot campers this week. Remember, this Monday will be the first day of "Bring a Friend to Boot Camp." This will continue for every Monday through February. So get your friends, family, spouses, co-workers, etc. out of bed and on their way to a healthier, happier life!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's A Lifestyle

I was chatting with a client yesterday about paleo and how she can make it a realistic part of her life. Last time she did paleo she was extremely strict for 30 days, but then went back to most of her old habits on day 31. I commended her for being so strict the first time she did paleo, but suggested that this time she try to slowly incorporate it into her life. In other words...make it a LIFESTYLE.
According to wikipedia, a lifestyle is "a characteristic bundle of behaviors that makes sense to both others and oneself in a given time and place, including social relations, consumption, entertainment, and dress. The behaviors and practices within lifestyles are a mixture of habits, conventional ways of doing things, and reasoned actions." If you do not make something part of your social norm, how can you ever stick to it?

My whole philosophy and actually, purpose of writing this blog, is rooted in the idea of making health a lifestyle. I truly believe that if people do not make exercise and eating right a part of their daily routine, then they will continually fail at staying healthy. When I say "daily routine," I do not mean that you must exercise every single day and eat perfectly every meal. Blah, how boring! You must find out how to make exercise and healthy food choices a realistic part of your life. No more crazy goals to work out twice a day, everyday and to only eat salads because we all know what happens. It lasts about 1 week and then you're back to 0 times a week at the gym and fast food.
So give yourself an honest reality check and figure out what will truly work for your life. Start out slowly. Set a goal to exercise twice a week and perhaps cook a healthy meal three times a week. See if this works for you and gradually build upon it. Soon you'll be finding time to exercise 4 days a week and making healthy eating choices at home and while you're dining out. I have seen this exact tactic work for numerous clients. Why not give it a shot?
Compliments of one of my favorite clients.
***Here is the make-up workout that the 5:30 a.m. crew did this morning. It was a balmy 47 degrees this morning. Perfect for running!

-Run 800 Meters
-Run 400 Meters Backwards
-Run 800 Meters
-Run 400 Meters Backwards
*Fastest Time: Rosie-15:11 (She ran her first backwards lap faster than her first normal 400. Impressive!)

3 Rounds (Not for Time):
-10 T Push-Ups
-50 Flutter Kicks
-20 Back Extensions
-10 Turbo Twists (think break dancing...)

3 Rounds:
-1 minute of Plank Up-Downs
-Rest 2 minutes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wednesday's WODs

Great job to my 5:30 a.m. boot campers that showed up after a long four days off due to the weather on Monday. I'm always so impressed with each and every one of you for showing up at the crack of dawn willing to work hard despite horrible weather, sleepless nights or sore bodies. You all inspire me!

7:00 a.m., you all impress me each day with your willingness to try new things and push yourself to the next level, regardless of what I throw at you. Case and point, this morning's workout.

5:30 a.m.
-800 Meter Warm-Up Run

For Time:
-10 Ninja Get-Ups
-20 Push-Up Dumbbell Row
-30 Dumbbell Thrusters
-40 Step Ups
-50 Overhead Dumbbell Walking Lunges
-60 Dumbbell Swings
-70 Explosive Sit-Ups
-80 Mountain Climbers
-90 Jumping Jacks
-100 Jump Rope
*Fastest Time: Kandice-15:11
Kirsten and Kandice working on their pull-ups
last Friday.
*Rest 5 minutes.

For Time:
-800 Meter Run
*Fastest Time: Nelia & Rosie-3:41

7:00 a.m.
Clean & Jerk
Check out all the action at 7:00 a.m.
3 Rounds for Time:
-20 Double Unders/80 Singles
-5 Box Jumps
-10 Dumbbell Power Cleans
-15 Burpees
-200 Meter Plate Run
Jill finishing up her last plated run.
*Fastest Time: Eric-15:19

5:30 a.m. group: Don't forget our make-up workout tomorrow morning at the junior high. You don't want to miss out on what I had in store for you guys Monday. It's an official CrossFit workout named after a fallen soldier. It includes running...in both directions. See you all at the track bright and early! 7:00 a.m., I'll see you all Friday ready to lift and have some fun with gymnastics.
My gymnastic picture at 8 years old. I'm not sure if I
can still pull off that pose.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday's WOD

What a crazy storm this morning! I know we really needed the rain, but it really puts a damper on my 5:30 a.m. outdoor group. It seems that the storm has passed, so we'll be back in action on Wednesday. Luckily for the 7:00 a.m. group we're inside, so there was no excuse not to come and start the week off right.

5:30 a.m.
*Canceled due to weather. :(
A little of the action last Friday.
7:00 a.m.
Back Squat
65%, 75%, 85% of 90% max
Steph working on her last set.
Karen & Steph: 115 lbs.-8 reps

10 minute AMRAP:
-10 Dumbbell Thrusters
-10 Pull-Ups
-10 Wall Ball Sprawls
Karen, Steph and Jennifer moving through the dumbbell thrusters.
Great job to the 7:00 a.m. group that showed up and worked hard despite the nasty weather. Nothing sounds better than sleeping in when it's rainy and windy. 5:30 a.m. group: I hope you enjoyed your extra day off. Be ready on Wednesday and possibly a make-up workout Thursday morning. I'll make sure to have some "fun" in store since you all missed your Monday workout. Maybe something like this...

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday's WODs

I was happy to see everyone this morning ready for a nice, rainy workout. Fortunately, everyone managed to stay somewhat dry (minus the sweat of course). Here's what they all managed to knock out before 8:00 a.m.

5:30 a.m.
*This was the first time doing the snatch with the 5:30 a.m. crew and they all did great. It's a very technical lift, but everyone picked it up quickly. Check out Rosie!

"Tabata This!"
-Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Air Squats
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Pull-Ups
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Push-Ups
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Sit-Ups
Enjoying their date with Tabata stations.
*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.
Kandice and Norma taking full advantage of the 10 second rest.
7:00 a.m.
Overhead Squat (OHS)
Nice job, Eric!
For Time:
-Tabata Wall Balls
-Run 400 meters
-20 Back Squats
-Run 400 meters
-20 OHS
Diana's first time doing OHS and they were awesome!
Fastest Time: Diana-11:25 (Great job for only her 2nd time doing CrossFit!)

Another great week full of hard work. I hope everyone enjoys the rainy weekend we have in store for us. Happy Friday everyone!
Contemplating my 130 lb. OHS attempt. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

How Much Do You Weigh? Who Cares.

One of the things I hear most from new clients is "I want to lose 20 pounds in a month," in which I generally respond by saying, "That's not going to happen." Yes, I know that sounds a little harsh, but it's the reality. Unless you're doing some crazy crash diet and exercising like a maniac (i.e., The Biggest Loser), you're probably not going to lose 20 pounds in a month and keep it off and there's nothing wrong with that!
Entertaining to watch, but unrealistic.
To be completely honest, weight is the last thing I'm concerned about with new clients. I usually tell them to NOT weigh themselves in the first few weeks because they're probably not going to like the number that pops up on the scale. Here's the reality. Often times when people begin weight training they will actually gain weight (insert gasp here). You see, muscle is denser than fat, so if you take the same amount of muscle and fat, the muscle will weigh more. However, the muscle will take up less space. This explains why people may not drop any weight at first, but they will lose inches and their clothes will start to fit better. Some people actually gain weight at first due to water retention. Do not freak out. It will go away as you continue to train. You did not gain 5 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks, unless you're taking something I don't know about and in that case, we need to chat.
This puts things into perspective.
Here's the deal people, stop freaking out about your weight! Yes, we all have that magic number in our head that we weighed some odd years ago when clothes fit just right and we didn't worry about what we were eating. Well, that time has passed and now it's time to focus on making yourself the leanest, healthiest version of you now. There are no miracle potions or gimmicks. Continue eating right and exercise and your body will cooperate. Find what is realistic for you and make it a lifestyle. Stop freaking out about those last 10 pounds and continue to control what you can, diet and exercise. Maybe you'll never reach your "goal weight," but your body will look like you have. So honestly, who cares how much you weigh if you look great?

*Disclaimer: I was not a Hooter's employee. It was Halloween and they were easy costumes. Thanks for understanding. Also, the creepy guy hanging on me in the Raider's mask is my boyfriend. I'm lucky.
2011: 120 lbs., 14% Body Fat
                   2005: 123 lbs., 20% Body Fat

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's WODs and Chinese Chicken Salad

It was a chilly 28 degrees at 5:30 a.m. this morning, but that didn't stop us. Sadly, it wasn't much warmer by 7:00 a.m. Great job to everybody that came and didn't let the low temperature scare them away.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds For Time:
-20 Bench Dips
-30 Dumbbell Push Press
-40 Bicycle Sit-Ups
-50 Air Squats
*Rest 2 minutes between each round.
Suzanne working through a total of 250 air squats.
*Fastest Times: Nelia & Kandice-25:03

7:00 a.m.
3 Rounds For Time:
-10 Pistols (5 right/5 left)
-20 Dumbbell Power Snatch (10 right/10 left)
-30 Walking Lunges
*Rest 5 minutes.
Nancy, under 5' and a total bad a**.
*Fastest Time: Nancy: 5:42

5 minute AMRAP:
-40 Double Unders (80 Singles)
-5 Dips

*Most Rounds: Nancy-5

-Run 800 meters

*Fastest Time: Nancy-2:59 (Go Nancy!!)

Here's a quick recipe:

Almost Paleo Chinese Chicken Salad

-Cubed chicken breast
-Fresh cabbage
-Green and/or red bell pepper
-Green onions
-Chopped almonds
-Chopped cilantro

-Canola oil
-Sesame oil
-Rice wine vinegar
-Fresh minced ginger
-Fresh minced garlic
-Red pepper flakes
-Fresh lime juice
-Salt and pepper to taste
Love all the colors.
Marinate the cubed chicken breast and saute in a pan. Chop and mix all vegetable together in a bowl. Add the chicken and toss in the dressing. It's pretty delicious.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Arizona Tough Mudder

This past weekend I traveled to Phoenix with six other fabulous CrossFit Turlock athletes to compete in the  Tough Mudder. It was a 12.5 mile obstacle course full of over 30 obstacles, including my personal favorite (complete sarcasm) "The Ice Bath." This was only the second obstacle, so needless to say, we were freezing and muddy for the remaining 4 hours it took us to complete the course.
All loaded up in the mini-van en route to Tough Mudder.
Just as freezing as it looks!
While the course was full of challenging obstacles like climbing over 20 foot walls, submerging yourself in icy water, walking on balance beams over water and jumping off a 15 foot wall into water, it definitely was not the toughest workout we had ever done. Mentally frightening at times, absolutely, but definitely not the toughest workout. Think more along the lines of "Eva" and "Murph."
Looking cute and optimistic before the race.
Although it was not the "Toughest Workout Ever" as advertised, it was a great challenge to take on with friends. We got to spend over four hours together facing fears and discussing who was muddier. You learn a lot about people when they're uncomfortable and slightly scared. I learned that my six friends are troopers, willing to give you a boost over the wall when needed and lend encouraging words when someone is experiencing self-doubt. They're definitely ladies you want by your side when things get tough. Thank you to each of them for making those 12.5 cold and muddy miles tolerable and surprisingly, fun!
We definitely deserved that beverage.
We donated these after we were done.
I must say though, the best part of the trip was hanging out with the ladies after the race. We decided to go out for a delicious steak dinner at Ruth Chris and then enjoy a few refreshments in downtown Scottsdale. After all, what's the point of working hard if you can't have a little fun afterwards? Cheers to six amazing ladies that helped me have a memorable weekend!
CrossFit Turlock coaches actually
dressed up for the evening.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday's WODs

After having to do a make-up workout last Thursday due to my long, crazy weekend in Arizona for Tough Mudder (more on that tomorrow), we are back to our normal schedule this week. I found out that my 5:30 a.m. crew was still sore from our sprint workout last Monday. So, I decided we needed to do some sprints again this morning because that was obviously a weakness. Just when you think you're really getting good, you find another area to improve. That's CrossFit! As for 7 a.m., they had a little fun with a dear friend named "Tabata."

5:30 a.m.
-400 meter warm-up lap.

-Sprint 50 meters every 30 seconds for 6 minutes.
-20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 back extensions

-Sprint 50 meters every 30 seconds for 4 minutes.
-20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 back extensions

-Sprint 50 meters every 30 seconds for 2 minutes.
-20 push-ups, 20 sit-ups, 20 back extensions

-400 meter cool down lap.
Be ready to do some air squats on Wednesday.
We start 'em young in my family.
7:00 a.m.
Tabata This! (WOD taken from the main site)
-Tabata Row
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Squat
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Pull-up
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Push-up
Rest 1 minute
-Tabata Sit-up
Loving some Tabata action. 
*The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals.

It was a great start to the week. Many more challenging WODs to come this week!
Steph rocking some clapping push-ups last week.
Check out those arms!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday's WODs and a Paleo Delight

Happy Hump Day everyone! Great work to all my boot campers this morning. Two more tough workouts completed this week.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-Run 200 m.
-7 Push-Up, Dumbbell Row
-Run 200 m.
-7 HSPU (see modification below)
-Run 200 m.
-20 Kettlebell Swings
-Run 200 m.
-10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch

7:00 a.m.
For Time:
-25 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-10 Jumping Lunges

Two Rounds:
-30 Toes to Bar
-30 Wall Balls
-30 Power Snatches

-25 Burpees
-Run 400 m.
-10 HSPU
The first round of burpees.

While I haven't had the privilege of doing the 5:30 a.m. WOD, I did complete the 7:00 a.m. one. Um, ow...Those last 25 burpees were definitely in slow motion and my forearms were on fire. I'm very proud of everyone for completing these longer workouts. A special shout out to one of my clients that lost his/her breakfast on the final run, but still finished. Now that's determination!

I had to share this easy and delicious paleo meal we made last night.

Fish Tacos, Minus the Tortilla
-Marinate tilapia (or whatever white fish you have) in olive oil, lime juice, garlic and cilantro
-Sautee marinated tilapia
-Add green and red peppers to the tilapia in the last two minutes, so they stay slightly crunch
-Serve over a bed of cabbage
-Garnish with onion, pico de gallo, guacamole and cilantro
-Devour with zero guilt
This picture doesn't do it justice.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Paleo Problems

Paleo...it's really hard! This is basically what I have been hearing from the majority of my clients and frankly, I agree with them. You must be discplined, organized and well-prepared on paleo. Disciplined enough to say no to the delicious chocolate-covered almonds in the Christmas gift basket, organized enough to know what you need for each meal and prepared to make basically every single meal you eat. That's a lot of work and it's easier to just say "Forget it," and grab a burrito on your lunch break.
I thought this explained paleo perfectly.
Here's how I'm attacking my paleo problems. First and foremost, I bought A LOT of groceries consisting of food items that I can mix and match for quick, easy meals. For example, ground turkey and an assortment of vegetables. Sautee them all together and you have an easy lunch and/or dinner. Breakfast has been an issue for many clients as well. I hard boiled eggs ahead of time and bring one with me each morning, along with a piece of fruit and a serving of raw almonds (locally grown of course). Like I previously stated, you must be a little creative.
My parents' 4 dogs are paleo...seriously. Walter hasn't
made the commitment yet.
The number one problem my clients are having is craving something, eating it and then just giving up on paleo altogether. Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm pretty sure that most people on paleo have slipped up at least once and those that say they haven't are probably lying. If you find yourself absolutely craving cheese, then have a serving. That one serving is not going to completely negate everything else you have done. However, eating an entire block of cheese will be problematic. The point is, allow yourself a little of something you are craving and then get back on track. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!

I understand that paleo may not be realistic to follow forever, but it's a great way to clean up your diet and get you back on track after the holidays. Look, I am not a proponet of crazy crash diets (i.e., the cayenne pepper/maple syrup water diet, really?) because they don't work. Yes, maybe people stick to them for 2-4 weeks, but as soon as they're done, they revert back to all of their old habits. Paleo is different because it's a lifestyle. You can choose how you want to modify it, but the general concept of eating healthy is there. The most important thing paleo has done for me is make me aware of what I was eating too much of (bread) and what I needed to eat more often (protein). I'm not saying that I haven't slipped up and eaten a few of those delicious chips in my parents' pantry, but I'm at least conscious of how many I've eaten and I make up for it at my next meal.

The overall lesson here, eat healthy. If paleo helps you do that, then by all means, follow it or some version of it. However, if you need a nice glass of 2009 Clark & Telephone Belle Glos Pinot Noir in the ridiculously large wine glass you got in Monterey to keep you sane after consuming meat and vegetables all day, then have one. After all, what's life without a few indulgences here and there?

My sanity.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday's WODs

Today was a great morning. I feel like everyone is rejuvenated after the holidays and getting back on track. With all of the holiday chaos behind us, we're moving forward and upping the training intensity. So far, so good!

5:30 a.m.
10 Rounds:
-Run 100 m.
-Rest 90 seconds between each round.
*Every single person completed all 10 rounds and kept their times consistent! Consistency is the key with intervals.

For Time:
-50 Burpees
*Fastest Time: Nelia-3:47
**Everyone completed all 50 burpees under 6 minutes. Awesome job!
Note: I have seen many burpee variations, so here's a quick example of our burpee standards.

7:00 a.m.
Timed Mile (It's actually about 1.2 miles)
*Fastest Time: Steph-7:59
*Most Improved: Griselda-9:47 (1/09), 12:13 (9/7). That's almost a 3 minute improvement!!!
Nothing like a good run in the morning sunlight.
5 Rounds For Time:
-1 Push Press
-2 Front Squats
-20 Barbell Walking Lunges
-12 Barbell Burpee Deadlifts
*Fastest Time: Eric-18:36, 65 lb. barbell
A little of the action. Jennifer questioning what she
got herself into.
Great job to everyone today. These were very different workouts, but both extremely challenging. I must say, I have some physically and mentally tough boot campers that push through all the tough workouts I throw at them. However, paleo has proven to be a serious challenge for most (Okay, EVERYONE!!!). More on paleo problems tomorrow.
Two of my lunch dates, Walter and Tony. They were
more than happy to taste my paleo meal.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday's Benchmark WODs

Today my boot campers completed their benchmark WOD called "Helen." We will complete "Helen" again in 6 weeks to see our progress. Those of you doing paleo can see if all that strict eating really helped. Paleo or not, I know that all of you have continually progressed and will continue to improve with hard work and dedication. Here's what the morning consisted of:

5:30 a.m.
Overhead Squat (OHS)

Kirsten working on her OHS. Great form!
*Heaviest OHS: Rosie & Nelia: 73 lbs.

3 Rounds for Time:
-Run 400 m.
-21 Kettlebell Swings (KBS)
-12 Pull-Ups (Assistance Bands: Green-Most Assistance, Blue-Less Assistance)

*Fastest Time: Nelia-10:46 (25 lb. KBS, blue band)

Ab Work:
-1 minute Hollow Body Rock (ouch!!!)
-1 minute Plank

7:00 a.m.
A little blurry, but check out that full hip extension.
Awesome job, Steph!
*Heaviest Snatch: Griselda-73 lbs.

(see above)
The couple that crossfits together, stays together. Eric and Robin,
the dynamic duo!
*Fastest Time: Steph-11:45 (25 lb. KBS, blue/green band)

Ab Work:
-Same as 5:30 a.m.

Great job to everyone this morning. I can't wait to see where you're all at in 6 weeks. I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and are ready to work hard on Monday. Good luck to everyone on paleo. I know I need all the help I can get to resist the bag of tortilla chips calling my name in the pantry...
House-stting for my parents and this is what they leave in the
pantry. I think they're trying to sabotage me.