Friday, May 18, 2012

Wednesday and Friday's WODs

We had a great second week packed with 3 tough workouts. I'm always impressed that my boot campers are pretty much up for any challenge, no matter how crazy it sounds or looks. Both Wednesday and Friday's workouts looked and sounded a little crazy.


With a Partner Complete:
-Dumbbell Burpees
(Each partner does half the db burpees)

1 Round after each burpee set of:
-5 Bench Dips
-10 Dumbbell Push Press
-15 Air Squats
(Both partners had to complete all reps of each)

-4 50 m. Stair Sprints
(Divide between partners)
Amy, Nicole and Nelia trying to be the first team to finish!
*At the end of the workout, each person completed 55 dumbbell burpees, 50 bench dips, 100 dumbbell push press, 150 air squats and 1,000 m. of sprints. WOW!!!!

*This workout was completed by CrossFit Turlock members on Wednesday and I just couldn't let my boot campers miss out!

For Time:
-1,000 m. Run
-20 Deadlifts (60% of max)
-30 Plate Overhead Walking Lunges
-40 Wall Balls
-50 Ab Mat Sit-Ups
-60 Handstand Walking Steps
-70 Double Unders (125 Singles)
-800 m. Row

*Fastest Time: Rosie-19:13

What an awesome second week! I know most of my boot campers are pretty sore, so lick your wounds over the weekend and relax because we're back at it bright and early Monday morning! Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you all Monday for some more torture, I mean fun.
Walter, after a long walk to and from Farmer's Market.
Don't we all wish we could nap after a tough workout?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Week 2: Monday's WOD

Well, I was a total blog slacker last week and did not blog about Wednesday or Friday. Terrible, I know. Especially since they were such great workouts. I'll make sure to sprinkle in some pictures from last week just to give everyone a little taste of what my boot campers completed. This morning was no joke. I think all my boot campers agreed that it was one of the most different, yet challenging workouts.

For Time:
-Run 800.

6 Rounds:
-20 seconds Squatting Broad Jumps
10 second Sprint
-20 second Walking Lunges
10 second Sprint
-20 second Duck Walks
10 second Sprint
-30 seconds Push-Ups
-30 seconds Mountain Climbers
*Rest 1 Minute.
They had to touch their chest to the curb
each rep!
For Time:
-Run 800 m. (The goal was to match or beat their first 800 m. time).

What a great morning! I love changing up the workouts and adding in new twists whenever possible. They all went with the flow and killed it! I know it probably wasn't anyone's favorite WOD, but there was no question that it was a great one. Good job and I'll see you all on Wednesday with a few more tricks up my sleeve!
Amy setting a clean PR last Friday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A New Session!

After a long weekend, my boot campers started off a new 8 week challenge this morning. As usual, they all stepped up to their first challenge and did great. The weather was also amazing. I'm so excited for the beautiful spring and summer mornings ahead of us!

15 Minutes:
-Run as Many Laps as Possible

Nelia-8 laps (2 Miles!!)
Rosie-7.5 laps
Amy-6.5 laps
Kirsten-6.5 laps
Nicole-6 laps
Kandice-6 laps
Suzanne-6 laps
Feeling the burn of 150 sit-ups.
-Double Unders
(Sub 100-80-60-40-20 Singles if can't do double unders).
Jump roping queens!


There's nothing like a great two-part workout to start the session off right! We have two more workouts in store for our first week. I'm thinking some gymnastics related moves and weights are in the near future. See you all (and a few others) tomorrow!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday's WOD: Final Re-Test

TGIF, people! What an awesome morning I had with my boot campers. They completed their final re-test and the results couldn't have been better! It's an extremely grueling AMRAP that leaves your arms feeling like jello.

Push Press
Gracie rocking the push press. Welcome back!
15 Minute AMRAP:
-75 Wall Balls
-50 KBS
-30 Pull-Ups
*1 Round is 155 Reps
Nelia, Rosie and Kandice moving through their 2nd round of
kettlebell swings. Ouch!
Total Reps:
       3/16    5/4
Rosie:173       278 (That's 105 rep improvement. Crazy!!)
Karina:135     195
Amy:144        200
Kandice:184    275
Nelia:201        265
Kirsten:          211
Gracie:            135
Amy and Karina looking determined to finish
their pull-ups.
Honestly, I was so excited for everyone this morning. Most of them used heavier kettlebells as well as medicine balls and held themselves to a higher standard and still showed huge improvements!! It's amazing to see how much more you can accomplish in just 8 short weeks of hard work.
A little core work for a cool down.
Fit and Fierce Boot Camp is all about showing up, working hard and making healthy, realistic lifestyle changes. As I've said before, there are no miracle potions to get fit. You must put in the work to see results. Ask any one of my dedicated boot campers and they will tell you that it's definitely not easy, but the results are worth it. I want to congratulate each and every one of my boot campers for their great job during the past 8 weeks. I can't wait for the next 8 weeks starting next Tuesday! You're all going to have some smokin' hot bikini bodies!
Caution:This may happen to some of my boot campers
when traveling this summer.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Old Gymnasts, Not So New Tricks

Yesterday at CrossFit Turlock was every retired gymnasts dream and probably everyone else's nightmare. We got to spend almost the entire workout practicing gymnastic's skills. Handstands, bridges, kips cartwheels, oh my! It was so much fun! I had such a great time practicing skills that were such a huge part of my life for over 7 years. As much fun as I had practicing old skills, it was even more fun helping our members do things that they were either afraid to do (kick up to a handstand against the wall) or thought they would never be able to do (back bend, kick over). It's so exciting to see people manipulate their bodies in ways they never thought possible. We all have a little inner gymnast in us!

My fellow crossfitter and former gymnastics teammate, Jillian, upped the ante in the afternoon with some more advanced skills. I can always count on Jillian to be a little daredevil. She started setting up a little station to work on aerials. This is a cartwheel with no hands. I watched her practicing and at first I was pretty nervous for her. Soon she started doing aerials and the competitive side in me came out. I joined in, scared sh**less at first, but it came back pretty quickly.

Thank you to Jillian for inspiring me to conquer my own fears and do a skill I haven't done in probably 15 years. I'm really getting old...Of course, we had to videotape ourselves because we were pretty damn excited. The first one is of me. A little sloppy and definitely not worthy of a 10. The last one is Jillian. Pointed toes, straight legs and always technically perfect. What do you say? One less plate next time, Jillian?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday's Re-Test WOD

Another great re-test WOD this morning! Just like Monday, there were some major improvements in times.  This was a very challenging workout, so I was glad when most of the boot campers didn't remember it. They all went in full force, with an open mind and killed it!

2 Rounds For Time:
-250 Singles (Jump Rope)
-50 Dumbbell Thrusters
-50 Renegade Rows (25R/25L)
-1000 m. Run Plus 4 Times Up/Down Stairs
Rosie working on her jump roping.
           3/16    5/2
Nelia-24:16    24:12
Rosie-28:23    26:19
Amy-32:40     28:59
Cathy-23:00   22:07
Nicole-28:55   27:20
Kandice          27:30
Gracie            27:39
Kirsten           29:19
Nicole and Kandice busting out their thrusters.
Great job to all my boot campers! More proof that hard work and dedication pay off over time. One more re-test on Friday. I cannot wait to see how everyone does!!
Amy and the renegade rows. Great form!
On a separate note, I'm so happy to have such dedicated boot campers. We were supposed to take next week off, which I thought they would all enjoy, but none of them wanted to. I thought they would at least want a week away from me and my programming. Thank you all for wanting to work so hard week after week. All of your hard work, commitment, enthusiasm and sense of humor make 5:30 a.m. enjoyable. Trust me, that's not a statement I thought I would ever make about waking up early. I love you all and look forward to many, many more sessions of awesome workouts in the future!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Mile Re-Test...Amazing!

This is the final week of the session and that means revisiting the WODs from 7 weeks ago to see everyone's progress. Let's just say that I was ecstatic to see how much everyone improved their mile times!! Seriously, so impressive!

For Time:
-Run 1 Mile

3/12:               4/30:
Nelia-7:04             6:46
Rosie-7:56            7:30
Nicole-9:33           9:15
Kandice-8:10         8:04
Kirsten-9:40        8:56
Jessie-9:41           9:20
Amy-9:02            8:28
Karina-10:30        9:29
Cathy-10:15          8:58
Some of the ladies pushing through the AMRAP.
15 Minute AMRAP:
-15 Squat Jumps
-12 Hand Release Push-Ups
-9 V-Ups
-5 Burpees
Jessie and Cathy working hard.
*Most Rounds: Rosie-9 (That's 2 more than she did last time!)

Can you believe those mile times?? Everyone significantly improved their times! These are some fast ladies! I know how hard they all have been working and I'm so excited for them to see it paying off. I can't wait to see how the rest of the week goes. Once again, great job everyone! Keep up the hard work and good things will continue to happen!!
A little of the action last Friday morning.