Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wednesday's WODs

The 7:00 a.m. crew had such a great time with manmakers on Monday, that I just had to make sure the 5:30 group got to enjoy them as well. Lucky for them, they got to couple manmakers with single arm snatches. Yes, they're as awful (or do I mean awesome??) as they sound. They all braved the following workout despite the windy weather and threat of rain. You're awesome ladies!

5:30 a.m.
-150 Singles
-5 Manmakers
-40 Single Arm Snatch (20R/20L)
-4 Manmakers
-30 Single Arm Snatch (15R/15L)
-3 Manmakers
-20 Single Arm Snatch (10R/10L)
-2 Manmakers
-10 Single Arm Snatch (5R/5L)
-1 Manmaker
-150 Singles

*Fastest Time: Rosie-18:16

Ab Work:
3 Rounds with a Partner
-10 Leg Throw Downs

The 7:00 a.m. group had a conditioning day today since they completed a tiring workout on Monday. I'm pretty sure most of their quads are still sore today. Manmakers and air squats are a rough combo. Don't be fooled though, this workout sounds straight-forward, but it's a burner.

7:00 a.m.
3 Rounds:
-Run 800 m.
-50 Back Extensions
-50 Sit-Ups
Sit-ups and back extensions. There may also be some
napping going on.
*Fastest Time: Eric-24:07

Snatch Complex: 3X
-Power Snatch
-Behind the Neck Push Press

Friday is the last day of the February session and I couldn't be happier with everyone's dedication and progress. I know it's very difficult to get motivated when it's cold, foggy, windy or raining outside and all you want to do is enjoy your warm bed. Thankfully, warmer weather is around the corner so it will make those early mornings a little easier. You know what warmer weather also means? Shorts, tank tops, dresses and dare I say it...bathing suits. Be prepared to rock your suit this year, whether it be a bathing suit or your birthday suit.
This applies to men as well.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday's WODs

Yesterday was the start of the last week of the February session. The boot campers have two more new and intense workouts to push through this week before their week off between sessions. I've loved seeing all the progress this past month and I cannot wait to see what a little food accountability will do for everyone. Here are the two workouts the groups survived yesterday.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-15 Push-Ups
-20 Sit-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*Rest 2 minutes.
**The purpose of the rest is to be able to recover and have the same power output each round.
It's finally getting light in the morning! Check out the blossoms.
*Fastest Time: Nelia-25:16

7:00 a.m.
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
-5 Manmakers
-40 Air Squats
-4 Manmakers
-30 Air Squats
-3 Manmakers
-20 Air Squats
-2 Manmakers
-10 Air Squats
-1 Manmakers
-50 Double Unders/150 Singles
Griselda, Karen and Jennifer working through 3
different parts of the manmaker.
*Fastest Time: Robin-11:15

Don't forget we will all be completing the CrossFit Open workout this week. It will most likely be Thursday since I will be gone Friday. All workouts are posted on Wednesday at 5p.m., so it will be a surprise for all of us! Most of you made it through 7 minutes of burpees, so it can't get much worse than that. Or can it???
Me after the first CrossFit Open WOD. Thank
God it's a little blurry! A big thank you to
Robin and Eric for coming to support us.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's WODs and The CrossFit Open

It's FRIIIIIDAY!!! Maybe it's just me, but it seems like this has been a long week and my body is very tired. Actually, I was told by many of my 5:30 a.m.'ers that they're feeling the wrath of Wednesday's workout, "Suzanne." Needless to say, none of them were extremely thrilled to revisit their old friend "Helen." What doesn't kill us will only make us stronger, right...right??

5:30 a.m.
3 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-21 Kettlebell Swings
-12 Pull-Ups
Some of the ladies working through the kettlebell swings.
Check out Justin and Kirsten working on their burpees.
*Everyone improved their times and many increased their kettlebell weight.

Overhead Squats

The 7:00 a.m. group got the pleasure of completing the first WOD of the 2012 CrossFit Open. For the next 5 weeks, my boot campers and the athletes of CrossFit Turlock will be completing the CrossFit Open workouts on Friday's. Workouts are announced on Wednesday and will challenge every aspect of one's fitness. I can't wait to see how we all stack up next to the rest of the Crossfitters around the world!

7:00 a.m.

Complete as Many Reps as Possible in 7 Minutes of...

7 minutes of hell. Oh, I mean burpees.
*Most Reps: Eric & Diana-86

Front Squat

Congratulations to all the 7:00 a.m. athletes for braving the first Open WOD. I, along with the rest of our athletes that registered for the Open, will be completing the workout tonight at 5 p.m. Feel free to stop by and spend your Friday evening cheering on your fellow CrossFit Turlock athletes. I'm shooting for at least 100. Wish me luck!!
This is going to be my mantra this evening.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Fear of Goals

I was having a conversation with my significant other last night about the fear of commitment. No, I'm not talking about relationship commitment. He put a ring on it, so he's locked down now. I'm talking about commitment to achieving goals, whether that be career, personal, athletic, weight loss, get the picture.

Frankly, it's scary to publicly voice your goals because that means you may need to commit to them. That's where the self-doubt and excuses begin. We all do it and it all boils down to the fear of failure. It's scary to think of failing, so why even set yourself up for the chance of failure? But then again, haven't most great accomplishments started with a goal? Yes, some goals sound crazy and others will shoot them down, but some of the most successful people in life were called "crazy" and faced many failures along their path to success.

                      "I have failed my way to success." -Thomas Edison

Stop letting people and your own fears get in the way of achieving your goals. No more excuses. If you truly want something, you must first believe in yourself. So believe in yourself, create a plan and set out on your journey to achieve your goal. It may be a bumpy road, but most great things in life are worth the work.

"The man who makes a success of an important venture never wails for the crowd. He strikes out for  himself. It takes nerve, it takes a great lot of grit; but the man that succeeds has both. Anyone can fail. The public admires the man who has enough confidence in himself to take a chance. These chances are the main things after all. The man who tries to succeed must expect to be criticized. Nothing important was ever done but the greater number consulted previously doubted the possibility. Success is the accomplishment of that which most people think can't be done." -C. V. White

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday's WODs

The 5:30 a.m. crew completed a special birthday WOD in honor of one my most dedicated boot campers. She is the prime example that you can continue to improve your fitness level no matter how old you are. No excuses. However, we were all completely shocked when she told us she was turning 59. She does not look, act or workout like someone who is almost 60. Suzanne motivates me and all those around her to continue to stay in shape and kick people's butts 30 years younger than you!

5:30 a.m.
"Suzanne: The Fine 59"
Complete 59 Reps of the Following Exercises:
-Jumping Jacks
-Pike Push-Ups
-Squat Jumps
-Weighted Sit-Ups
-Mountain Climbers (Right/Left = 1)
-Weighted Walking Lunges (Right/Left = 1)
-Speed Skate Lateral Jumps (Right/Left = 1)
*Complete 1 burpee every 59 seconds.
The birthday girl working on completing 118
walking lunges.
*Fastest Time: Nelia-20:02

The group completed the remaining 59 burpees together at the end of the workout. Happy birthday, Suzanne! Cheers to looking fit, fabulous and smoking hot at 59!
The ladies that shared in the fun for Suzanne's birthday WOD!
The 7:00 a.m. group pushed through a heavy lifting met-con this morning. There truly is nothing more challenging than adding heavy weights and high intensity cardio together. Well, maybe the ability to resist eating 2 baskets of tortilla chips by yourself, which I completed failed at this afternoon. I hope heavy lifting doesn't have the same effect on everyone else.

7:00 a.m.
-20 Double Unders or 65 Singles
-5 Handstand Push-Ups

3 Rounds:
-10 Deadlifts
-5 Hang Power Cleans
-3 Push Jerks

-20 Double Under or 65 Singles
-5 Handstand Push-Ups

*Fastest Time: Eric-5:22

Push Press

Awesome job to both groups this morning. I hope everyone enjoys their Wednesday. Personally, I'd like to spend the afternoon nursing my chip-induced food coma by copying this kid below. I hope yours is more productive than mine!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Girl's Night In

About once a week two of my girlfriends and I ditch the boys and get together for wine, food and random conversation. We usually just meet at one of our houses, which means no makeup and sweat pants are completely acceptable and encouraged. Sometimes we just have wine and light snacks (yes, candy may count in this category), but this past week we made some heavier appetizers.
Nothing like a relaxed evening in with good friends.

Whenever I cook, I try to take favorites and give them a healthier twist without losing anything in the flavor department. My girlfriends are the same way, so it's always fun to see what everyone comes up with. I brought Crab Stuffed Shells that my mom has been making forever. They're always a hit and they're very easy to make.

Crab Stuffed Shells
-2 cans of crab meat (I swear it's not gross)
-1/3 c. light mayo
-1 can of corn
-1/4 c. french fried onions/I subbed this with slivered almonds
-Diced green and red bell peppers
-2 tsp. hot sauce
-salt and pepper to taste
*Lightened up and still tasty!

My other girlfriends brought a tomato basil salad topped with avocado and roasted asparagus topped with olive oil, balsamic, salt, pepper and parmesan cheese. It was a light, yet very satisfying spread. Jealous?
So simple, but always amazing.
Just as good as it looks.
Of course, we all brought a bottle of the finest wine (or whatever was on sale) to share. You really can't go wrong with a relaxed evening in with your best girlfriends.
Cheers to a great evening!
And delicious food!

Monday, February 20, 2012

President's Day WODs

Happy President's Day everyone! I'm not sure if this day actually holds a significance to anyone, besides the fact that most get the day off and what's not to love about that? Anyway, I changed things up a bit for the 5:30 group this morning. Usually we do intervals on Monday's, but one of the boot campers is suffering from shin splints, so I decided to create a workout in her honor.

Complete the following every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
-5 Hand Release Push-Ups
-7 Dips
-9 Air Squats
-2 Burpees
Tammy surviving the 150 push-ups!
That was a tough 30 minutes! I'm not sure if they all like "Kandice."

4 Rounds:
-30 Second Plank
-30 Seconds of Sit-Ups

The 7:00 a.m. group got to revisit "Helen" this morning and see how their times compared to 6 weeks ago. I was thoroughly impressed with not only the time improvements, but also the fact that most people used heavier kettlebells and improved their pull-up technique.

3 Rounds:
-Run 400 m.
-21 Kettlebell Swings
-12 Pull-Ups
Katrina, Robin and Griselda moving through the swings.
Look at Eric go in the background!
*Everyone improved their times!!!

Please wish me luck. I will be golfing with my future husband this afternoon. About a year ago, we made a deal that if he started working out and getting into shape, then I would start golfing. Let's just say that he has gone above and beyond and I've, uh...not followed through in the slightest. Dear God, give me patience or a stiff cocktail to get through this!
Me, clearly crushing the ball a few years ago.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday's WODs

Another great week of workouts in the books. The 5:30 a.m. group completed the workout that the 7:00 a.m. group and I did on Wednesday. Combining running and heavy lifting always makes for an extremely challenging workout. Great job to the early morning group for starting their President's weekend off right!

5:30 a.m.

3 Rounds:
-Run 600 m.
-5 Overhead Squats
-5 Clean to Thruster
-5 Back Squat
Suzanne, Rosie, Kandice and Hayley pushing through
the lifting.
*Fastest Times: Rosie & Kandice-12:48

Finish With...
-Gymnastic Skills! (forward rolls, handstands, bridges)

Remember that amazing/awful workout I mentioned Wednesday? Well, the 7:00 a.m. group was lucky enough to experience it. I think most of them agreed that it was no joke! Awesome job guys!

7:00 a.m.
-10 Handstand Push-Ups
Run 400 m.
-20 Pull-Ups
Run 400 m.
-30 Burpees
Run 400 m.
-40 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
Run 400 m.
Diana muscling through her 40 swings. Ouch!
* Fastest Time: Brittany-15:22

Finish With...
-50 Half Moon Sit-Ups

We only have two more weeks in the February session and then we start our food journaling in March. Who's ready for extra accountability? Let's finish February out strong and prepare ourselves for the 8-week challenge starting mid March. Can we say hot beach body preparation! Enjoy your holiday weekend, but keep this in mind...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wednesday WODs and V-Day Dinner

I was very pleased this morning that everyone showed up to work off all the Valentine's Day candy. The 5:30 a.m. workout was inspired by an amazing/awful workout I completed yesterday. It was a serious burner and so was this morning's! I was impressed to see that almost everyone knocked it out in less than 20 minutes. I've got some hard core people at 5:30!
Hayley completing her dumbbell burpees.
Welcome back, friend!
5:30 a.m.
-10 m. Backwards Lunge/Sprint
Run 1 Lap, 1 Time Up/Down Stairs
-20 Weighted Ninja Get-Ups
Run 1 Lap, 2 Times Up/Down Stairs
-30 Dumbbell Burpees
Run 1 Lap, 3 Times Up/Down Stairs
-40 Wall Balls
Run 1 Lap, 4 Times Up/Down Stairs
-50 Tuck Jumps
Run 1 Lap, 5 Times Up/Down Stairs
Rosie, the eskimo!
*Fastest Time: Nelia-18:26

Finish With...
-50 Half Moon Sit-Ups

The 7:00 a.m. group also had an intense workout to complete. 600 meters is a tough distance to maintain after burning out your legs with squats and fighting the brutal wind this morning. Trust me, I know from experience...ouch!

7:00 a.m.
Push Press
Steph and Eric on their first round.
3 Rounds:
-Run 600 m.
-5 OHS
-5 Clean to Thrusters
-5 Back Squats
Robin pushing through her clean to thrusters.
Fastest Time: Simran-11:21

Finish With...
-8 Half Moons
-8 Straight Leg Deadlift
Loving those half moons.
As usual, everyone did a great job. Half the battle of working out is showing up consistently and I must say, our clients are extremely consistent. I guess that's why they're all continuously progressing and seeing results. Honestly, self-improvement feels pretty damn satisfying.

Here's the paleo-friendly dinner that my Valentine and I whipped up last night. However, the glass of red wine and piece of chocolate were not quite paleo. Heart friendly though!
Tri-tip, balsamic broccoli and baked sweet potato fries.
Not pictured: Wine and chocolate.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dining Out: La Mo

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of dining at La Mo in downtown Turlock. Not only was I lucky enough to be accompanied by my mom and sister from another mister (best friend), one of the owners sat down with us to make sure we made the best and healthiest menu choices.
The numerous options available for breakfast and lunch.
La Mo has been a dream of the Smallwood family for many years. The menu is comprised of fresh, lighter Mexican-inspired items the Smallwood family has been cooking and perfecting over the years. It is their goal to use only fresh and locally grown ingredients whenever possible. The extra effort to utilize fresh ingredients and inject a little love into each dish has kept the restaurant buzzing with new and regular customers since they opened their doors less than a year ago. Here's a look into why La Mo is the new hot spot in town and has officially been added to my list of favorite restaurants.
The fabulous decor inside. 
We arrived around 11:30 a.m. and Brityn quickly put in an order for a Cornmeal and Oatmeal Pancake before breakfast ended. She insisted that we must try them and we soon learned why. The cornmeal pancakes are made with a 4 to 1 flour and cornmeal to sugar ratio making them a lighter, heartier option. It is topped with low-fat honey, greek yogurt and fresh fruit. No need for maple syrup. Next, was an oatmeal pancake with the same oatmeal and flour to sugar ratio. It was topped with locally grown walnuts, a light sprinkling of powdered sugar and fresh 100% maple syrup.
I forgot to mention the Sangria. Not too sweet and so
refreshing. It will be my go to cocktail in the summertime! 
Honestly, we could not decide which one we preferred. The cornmeal pancake had a completely unique, creamy flavor, while the oatmeal pancake was reminiscent of classic pancakes, but with a cinnamon kick like french toast. Both were hearty and had so many complex flavors that leave you wondering what exactly was in each to make them so delicious. I'll definitely be trying each again. However, next time I will be trying their Vegetable Scramble with a side of Chicken, Apple Sausage. They also have traditional favorites like Huevos Rancheros and Chilaquiles that my future husband already informed me he will be ordering.
The Oatmeal Pancake and the Cornmeal Pancake. 
Clearly they were just as good as they looked.
I know you're thinking this concludes my dining experience, but we were just warming up for lunch. We started off with the daily appetizer special of Shrimp Ceviche with homemade tortilla chips. Wow, the depth of flavors is unlike any ceviche I've ever had. For the main course, Brityn suggested the Chicken & Vegetable Enchilada served with Mixed Greens, the Healthy Burrito and Shrimp & Mahi Tacos served with Jicama Salad. 
The Shrimp Ceviche. Enough said.
The Chicken Enchilada with Mixed Greens.
The Shrimp and Mahi Tacos with Jicama Salad.
This may have been my fave.
Check out this spread! Yes, we almost ate all of it. The chicken enchilada and burrito were stuffed with roasted vegetables and topped with two unique sauces. Not surprisingly, they were both phenomenal. I would suggest splitting the burrito or eating only half if you have that kind of will-power. The fish tacos were fresh, light and served on their signature handmade corn tortillas. Seriously people, these tacos were no joke. You're not going to find these anywhere! I wished that I didn't have to share. Let's not forget the amazing salads. The mixed greens were topped with a homemade lemon vinaigrette that will be my new house dressing at home. The jicama salad is truly a unique spin on a cabbage salad that will turn anyone into a salad lover. Sub the rice and beans for either one of these salads. You won't miss them and you'll feel better about your choice.
The Healthy Burrito. This big boy is stuffed to the brim
with flavorful veggies and grilled chicken. Remember to
Warning, this last item is NOT healthy, but everyone needs a little decadence in their life. It's the Chocoflan. Before you turn up your nose and exclaim that you hate flan like my BFF did (or maybe that was me), try their flan! It has a chocolate bottom layer that reminded me of a molten cake. However, the true star was the flan itself. Crazy, I know. The texture was like cheesecake, with the lightest hint of egg. The combination of the molten-like chocolate and flan topped with homemade caramel was life-changing. That may be a little dramatic, but it definitely changed my view on flan.
Heaven on a plate, or Chocoflan.
I cannot stress enough how wonderful the food, atmosphere and people of La Mo are. Once again, I would like to thank Brityn for taking the time on her Saturday off to provide her extensive knowledge of each delicious menu item. Next time you're in the mood for Mexican food, or any type of food for that matter, and want to have some healthy options you absolutely MUST try La Mo. It definitely will be your first of many trips.
The beautiful ladies of La Mo.
Brityn, Gloria and Hillary.
P.S. They are going to start serving dinner Thursday and Friday this week!! I've already decided I'm getting the Grilled Salmon.

Contact Information:
La Mo
(209) 632-6655
Check them out on Facebook and Yelp!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday's WODs

Hello Monday and the rain. Thankfully, the storm held off until after both groups were done. Although we all feel hard core and perhaps even brag when we work out in the rain, the bottom line is that it's just not very fun. The rain definitely would've added an extra element of "fun" for both of today's workouts.

5:30 a.m.
-Sprint 200 m.
-Jog 200 m.
Rest 1 minute
-Run 400 m.
Rest 2 minutes
-Run 800 m.
Rest 3 minutes
-Run 400 m.
Rest 2 minutes
-Sprint 200 m.
The beautiful scenery at 5:30 a.m. Unfortunately,
you just can't see it from this amazing iPhone pic.
-Domino Wall Sits/Push-Ups
*Everyone lines up on the wall for wall sits. The first person in line does 5 push-ups and then returns to a wall sit. This continues until everyone in line has done 5 push-ups. If you stand up before it is your turn to do push-ups or everyone is done, you must complete 5 burpees after the round.

-Domino Wall Sits/Explosive Sit-Ups
*Same as above, but with sit-ups.

Only one person admitted to coming off the wall, but I'm pretty sure they're may have been more. Burpee make-ups Wednesday then? :)

7:00 a.m.
Back Squat

3 Rounds (Not For Time):
-50 m. Sled Push
-200 m. Run
-50 m. Sled Push
-7 Dumbbell Burpees
-10 Explosive Sit-Ups
-5 Weighted Sit-Ups
-10 Reverse Sit-Ups
-5 Weighted Sit-Ups
Robin and Steph working on their dumbbell burpees, while
everyone else was outside enjoying the sled.
Congratulations to the 7 a.m. group for completing this workout and not contracting the infamous "Prowler Flu." The sled, A.K.A. prowler, has been widely known for its ability to cause nausea for those that use it. In fact, great job to everyone in the 5:30 group for completing the intervals without getting sick. I did them last Friday and thought I might see the hard-boiled egg I ate for breakfast on the ground...T.M.I.? Sorry.

The rain is supposed to let up by Wednesday and the rest of the week should be great. See you all then for another morning of puke-free workouts. Okay, now I've definitely mentioned vomit too much in this post. My apologies once again.

P.S. Make sure to check out my blog tomorrow to read all about my AMAZING dining experience this past Saturday at La Mo in Turlock. You're all going to be super jealous and make plans to go there as soon as possible.
Picture taken from here.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Said Yes! (We Think)

As most of you already know, I got ENGAGED last week! Wow, I still cannot believe it. I'm very hard to surprise and I was completely shocked! Here's how it all went down...

Last Thursday was my future husband's (Sorry, I hate the word fiance. It sounds pretentious or something.) birthday, so we went out to dinner last Wednesday to celebrate. We invited his parents, my parents and our two best friends to dinner at Bistro 234. I did not think anything of it because we were there to celebrate Andy. I should have known that everything always eventually becomes all about me. Just kidding, sort of.

Andy's parents do not live in Turlock, so they arrived a little later than all of us. Andy went outside to go get them and asked my dad to, "Come outside and help his dad bring something in." I thought this was a little weird considering we were tucked away in a corner in the restaurant. Were they going to try to wheel a bike in or something? That would be awkward. Much to my relief and confusion, they all walked back in empty handed. Little did I know, Andy was asking my dad if he could marry me. Apparently Andy had tried to previously ask him, but chickened out. Luckily, my dad loves spontaneity and Andy, so he gave him his permission.

Everyone sat down and proceeded to order drinks like any other normal dinner. As I was wrapped up in ordering a delicious glass of wine, I noticed that my friend kept glancing at me and giving me awkward smiles. She's definitely not the best at keeping secrets. I ignored her strange looks and wrote it off as her being a dork like we usually are together. Finally, our drinks arrived and we all toasted Andy's birthday.

At this point, Andy stood up to make a toast and asked me to stand up as well. I wish I could say that I remember everything he said, but I immediately broke out into a sweat and started nervously laughing. I knew this was it. He got down on his knee and I am told that he said some very nice things as he pulled the ring out of his pocket and proceeded to put it on my right hand. I only remember telling him that it was the wrong hand as I jumped on him to give him a hug. We're still not certain if I ever said, "Yes."
Not a reenactment. This was the real deal.
The rest of the evening was spent enjoying a great meal with our family and best friends. Okay, okay and texting everyone I know, "I'M ENGAGED!!!!" I also knew pretty much everyone there considering Turlock is a small town and Bistro is by far the best restaurant in town, so I got to share the good news with them too! Oh, how I hate being in the spotlight...

Andy whispering in my ear, "Did you say yes?"
Honestly, I could not have pictured a better way to get engaged to the man I've known was special since the moment I set eyes on him over 4 years ago. Cheers to the months ahead of wedding planning and the years of happiness with my future husband to come!

Here are a few photos of us over the years. I realized that we're both incapable of taking a serious picture.
Our first date with friends. Loving the old
school golf attire.
The night he fell in love with me for doing pull-ups on
a tree.
Our second attempt at hiking Half Dome.
Our first weekend trip together to Murphy's. Rain storm and
no power, but memorable!