Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday's WODs

Can you believe that tomorrow is the last day of 2011? I swear the years just keep going by faster and faster. Wow, I really sound old now. I am really excited to see what 2012 has in store for all my fabulous clients. Hopefully it involves smaller jeans, sexier arms and tighter glutes. Luckily, you all got a jump-start with today's WOD.

5:30 a.m.
2 Rounds:
-Row 400 meters
-Run 400 meters
Overhead squats are definitely the hardest part. Or maybe
it's the burpees.
"Air Force"
-20 Thrusters
-20 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
-20 Push Press
-20 Overhead Squats
-20 Front Squats
*4 burpees at the top of every minute until the workout is complete.
-3 Sets of 10 GHD Sit-Ups
-3 Sets of 10 Back Extensions
A little of the ab work action.
-5 Minutes of Pull-Up Work

7 a.m.
-Same as 5:30 a.m. group
Almost there...
It was a great last workout before the start of 2012. I will see you all next year!
Walter's New Year's resolution:Get
an unassisted pull-up.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Physical and Emotional Workouts

Yesterday the group crossfit classes and my 7 a.m. boot camp completed a workout called "Eva." It goes a little something like this:

5 Rounds for Time:
-Run 800 meters
-30 Kettlebell Swings
-30 Pull-Ups (Some people modified to 15 pull-ups)

Seem intense? It was. Physically, the workout will beat up your body. Ripped hands (see below), legs that feel like lead, arms you can barely lift and lungs that feel like they are on fire. It's a workout that left many people lying flat on their backs, blankly staring at the ceiling amazed at themselves for completing such an intense workout. Many of them could not even run a mile the first time they walked in the door, let alone run 2.5 miles with the addition of 150 kettlebell swings and 150 pull-ups. "Eva" is a workout that is physically demanding, but even more mentally exhausting.
"Eva" war wounds.
It's a workout where you constantly question yourself. "Why am I doing this? Can I do this? Is it worth the pain? Should I only do 27 reps instead of 30? Should I quit after 4 rounds? Wait, why am I doing this again?" Sometimes pushing through the mental battle within yourself is even harder than the physical aspect of the workout. It's the mental part of the workout that leaves you drained, but yet exhilarated. It's a feeling that can overwhelm you with emotion and bring you to tears. The tears are a release of shear exhaustion, happiness and satisfaction that you completed something you never thought you could. You start to realize that if you can complete such a strenuous workout, what else are you capable of doing that you've always been afraid to try? Can you apply for that promotion at work or follow your dream to open a restaurant? Can you move abroad for a year or finally go back to school? It's amazing how one crazy CrossFit WOD can begin to change your mental perspective and build your confidence.

Let me ask you, when was the last time a workout left you on your back, speechless, with tears of self-satisfaction streaming down your face and new positive outlook on things that once seemed unattainable?
The official CrossFit recovery position.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Slimmed Down Smashed Potatoes and a Big Salad

Here are two quick recipes I made over the holidays. Both take under 30 minutes and are delicious. No one knew I left out the bad stuff and snuck in the healthy stuff.

The first recipe is what I like to call "Slimmed Down Smashed Potatoes." I originally got this recipe from Mrs. Butter herself, Paula Dean. While completely delicious, they left you feeling like you inhaled a rock. Talk about serious food coma. I swapped out a couple fatty ingredients, added in some lighter options and guess what, no one noticed!

-1 pound red potatoes
-6 strips of low-sodium turkey bacon
-2 tablespoons butter (A little won't kill you!)
-1/2 cup non-fat, plain Greek yogurt
-1/2 cup non-fat milk
-1-2 springs of fresh rosemary
-1 teaspoon white pepper
-salt and pepper to taste (Try not to go crazy with the salt)

Directions: Boil the red potatoes. Cook the bacon while the potatoes are boiling. Drain the potatoes. Add in all the ingredients and get out some aggression by smashing them together. Give them a quick taste and add in any extra seasonings they need. Serve them alongside a piece of lean meat and big helping of sauteed mixed vegetables. Then, quietly smile to yourself that you've tricked everyone into eating mashed potatoes without a million calories.
Such a good, healthy meal. This was my boyfriend's portion,
not mine. My portion was bigger. ;)
I always make salads when we have a family gathering because everyone always raves about how great it is, but more importantly, it's so easy for me to make! Basically, I use whatever I have in my refrigerator and cupboard. My salads are never, ever the same. I call them the "Whatever I've Got Salad."

(These are based on the one I made for Christmas, but you can switch it up in so many ways).
-Fresh romaine lettuce
-Cherry tomatoes
-Artichoke hearts
-Kidney beans
-Unsweetened dried cranberries
-Chopped, fresh almonds
-Add a little good, soft cheese like goat or bleu cheese

Directions: Chop all the vegetables and throw everything in a bowl together.

-Good olive oil
-Balsamic vinegar (I use a little more olive oil than balsamic)
-Splash of red wine vinegar
-Fresh lemon juice
-Fresh chopped, garlic
-Fresh basil (if you have it)
-Salt and pepper to taste

Directions: Add all the ingredients to a bowl and whisk them together. Drizzle over the salad and toss everything together. So delicious. So easy.

I hadn't added the cheese or dressing yet. It still looks
pretty appetizing though.

Wednesday's WODs

Luckily today was not foggy and it was about 8 degrees warmer. Thank you weather gods! The 5:30 a.m. crew had a little fun with manmakers (A.K.A. strong, sexy body makers), while the 7 a.m. crew got to know a girl named, Eva. There was a great deal of hard work and zero complaining. I love it!

5:30 a.m.
For Time:
-30 Manmakers
Manmaker:Push-up, row dumbbell with each arm, jump up
to a full squat clean into a thruster and finish with 2 walking
lunges holding the dumbbells overhead. That's 1 rep...
*Fastest Time: Nicole-7:04

5 Min. AMRAP:
-5 Air Squats
-Sprint 50 meters

7 a.m.
-Run 800 meters
-30 Kettlebell Swings
-30 Pull-Ups (Modification: 15 Pull-Ups)
The 5:30 a.m. group completing "Helen" a few months ago.
Eva makes Helen look like a total wimp.
*Fastest Time: Kelly-34:48 (It was Kelly's first time doing crossfit! What a stud!)
Yes, I completed "Eva" in it's entirety today and yes, it
was just as difficult as the expression on my face makes it look.
I'll never ask my clients to do something I haven't already tried!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Monday's...I Mean Tuesday's WODs

After a long holiday weekend filled with family, friends, food and drinks, we were back at it this morning. The holidays are always marked with over-indulging, so we had to off-set that with intense endurance WODs. Great job to everyone that showed up and burned off a few of those holiday calories in this foggy weather.

5:30 a.m.
-1 minute on/1 minute off
-1 minute on/50 seconds off
-1 minute on/40 seconds off
-1 minute on/30 seconds off
...Continue until you reach 1 minute on/10 seconds off. Immediately, go back up the ladder and finish with 1 minute on/1 minute off.

*Everyone completed 6 laps and Rosie almost completed 7 laps.

-Run 1 mile.
-10 air squats every minute on the minute until 1 mile is completed.
I'm sure this is what most of you would've preferred to be
doing this morning.
*Homework: Complete 50 push-ups and 50 explosive sit-ups.
It always helps to have a friend assist you with explosive
sit-ups. Good job Karen and Steph.
7 a.m.
-5 minutes of Pull-Up Practice

Overhead Squats
Steph working on her overhead squat. Just a
little lower...
-1 minute on/1 minute off
-1 minute on/50 seconds off
-1 minute on/40 seconds off
-1 minute on/30 seconds off
...Continue until you reach 1 minute on/10 seconds off. Immediately, go back up the ladder and finish with 1 minute on/1 minute off.
They talked me into joining them on the rower.
-50 Explosive Sit-Ups

I will see you all tomorrow morning to continue shedding those holiday calories.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday's WODs

Great job to everyone that braved the freezing weather (literally, it was under 30 degrees) this morning and endured our pre-Christmas workout. One of my clients had the fabulous idea that the workout should be titled "Santa's Workshop." I thought this was a great idea and tried to include exercise mimicking elves' working. Needless to say, I had some extremely hard-working elves this morning!

5:30 and 7 a.m.
Back Squat
One of my "elves" after the WOD.
"Santa's Workshop"
5 minute AMRAP:
(Groups of 3)
-Pull Santa's Sleigh (Row 200 m.)
-Snowball Toss to Partner (Throw/Catch the Medicine Ball)
*One person rows for 200 meters, while the other two partners play catch with the medicine ball (full squat). Switch when the partner has rowed 200 meters. Continue to rotate for 5 minutes.
Almost there...
Complete Each Exercise Twice:
-Carry the Tools (Partner Barbell Carry)
-Push Santa's Sleigh (Push the Sled)
DONE! Love the teamwork.
*Both couplets were completed twice.
The dreaded sled.
This workout proved to be a little harder than I had intended, so one of the boot campers re-named it "Santa's Work Sweat Shop."As always, great job to everyone! I'm impressed by my clients everyday. Thank you all for showing up, working hard and allowing me to share my love for fitness! Happy Holidays everyone!
Everyone deserves one of these after today's WOD. Thank you
to my clients for such a cute gift!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Friends, Food, Wine and Holidays

One of my favorite things about the holidays is getting together with my friends. Some of my best friends are scattered across the country and I only get to see them around the holidays, so we always make sure to get together with delicious food and of course, wine. Last night we had an impromptu dinner at my best friend's house. She was already making lemon chicken and rice, so I grabbed every vegetable in my refrigerator and brought them over to cook. I sauteed zucchini, squash, broccoli and mushrooms with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin and fresh lemon juice. Extremely simple, but just goes to show that you can make a quick and healthy meal if you keep a few staples around your house. It was a great night with some of my best friends and the great men in our lives.
Our delicious meal served on antique plates.
Cheers to fabulous friends!
I'm excited to keep the fun going tonight as well. We always have a mom and daughter dinner when everyone is home around the holidays. It's pretty special that we're all able to get together each year and most importantly, that we all enjoy being around one another after all these years. Each holiday I'm reminded that I have some amazing friends and moms in my life.
A holiday get-together with some of my favorites 6 years ago.
Tonight I'll be bringing a bottle of wine (no entry without it) and sweet potato fries. The sweet potato fries are very easy. I actually use yams because they're orange like you see in restaurants, while sweet potatoes are white. Who knew? Peel the yams and cut them into fries. Mix the yams with olive oil, salt, pepper, a dash of cinnamon, minced garlic and fresh rosemary. Bake them at 450 degrees for 18-20 minutes. Broil them on high until they are golden brown and slightly crispy. They're delicious and...healthy!
The beginnings of "sweet potato" fries.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday's WODs

Another beautiful, foggy morning in the central valley spent with my hard-core boot campers. I'm always so proud of everyone for showing up ready to work their butts off even in this nasty weather. You all truly are bad a**es and will look amazing when it's time for tank tops and shorts again. Just keep that in mind when you think about skipping a workout.

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-Run approximately 400 m. plus the stairs
-10 Burpee Step-Ups
-10 Dips
-10 Cleans to Thrusters
*Rest 1 minute. (The rest is added in so you can keep the same intensity each round).
Some of my dedicated 5:30 a.m. boot campers braving the
cold weather this morning.

Great Times:

7 a.m.
4 Rounds for Time:
-Run 400 m.
-10 Burpee Box-Jumps
-10 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls
-10 Thrusters
*Rest 1 minute.

Great Times:
Robin-27:45, 33 lbs.
Steph-30:09, 45 lbs.
Eric-30:26, 65 lbs.
Griselda-31:18, 45 lbs.
Karen-32:03, 45 lbs.
Sandy-22:00 (3 Rounds), 33 lbs.

I completed the workout "Wood" on Monday and just had to share the fun with all my boot campers. What a great workout!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Dad!

Today is my dad's 57th birthday and I must say, he looks pretty darn good! He still exercises 5 times a week, eats very healthy, runs his own chiropractic business and keeps his mind sharp with hobbies like flying his plane. He's pretty impressive. I attribute my love for health and fitness to him. He taught me from a very young age to eat right, stay active and dedicate myself to whatever I was passionate about doing. My dad has always encouraged me to take chances and pursue what I love, even if it is not always the easiest route to take. I've always respected my dad and taken his advice because he truly practices what he preaches. For those of you who do not know my dad, he's outgoing once he gets to know you, intense about what he believes in, extremely loving towards his family and close friends, loves to play devil's advocate and always willing to go or try something new. I am my dad in many ways and I couldn't be prouder of it. I'm lucky to have such an amazing man as my father.
Before a "Daddy date."
Slightly reluctant to let me go to a Jr. High dance.
Halloween, my dad's favorite holiday.
Happy 57th birthday, Dad!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday's WODs

Another great start to a very busy week for most people. The holidays are hectic and can be stressful, but lucky for all my dedicated clients, exercise has been proven to be a positive coping mechanism. Don't let the holidays be an excuse to miss your workouts. Exercise will help you look and feel much better for all those holiday pictures. I know all my boot campers feel better after their morning workout!

5:30 a.m.
Interval Training
-200 m.
 Rest 1 minute
-400 m.
 Rest 2 minutes
-600 m.
 Rest 3 minutes
-400 m.
 Rest 2 minutes
-200 m.
 Rest 1 minute

Most Improved 400 m. Time: Nicole-2:10 (8/15), 1:48 (12/19)
Most Improved 600 m. Time: Rosie-3:10 (8/15), 2:59 (12/19)

Push-Up and Sit-Up Challenge
-As many reps as possible in 1 minute for each.

Most Improved Push-Ups: Nelia-25 (9/5), 30 (12/19)
Most Improved Sit-Ups: Brooke-24 (9/5), 31 (12/19)
Rosie perfecting her clean & jerk last Friday.
7 a.m.
Front Squat
5-3-1+ (As many reps as possible on the last set)
Steph driving up out of her front squat. Elbows up!
3 Rounds:
1 minute at each station. Clock does not stop between stations.
1. Ninja Get-Ups
2. Back Extensions
3. Row
4. Burpees
5. Jump Rope
Rest 1 minute between rounds.

Most Reps: Robin-425
A little of the action at 7 a.m.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Friday's WODs

As promised here, the 5:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. groups switched workouts. However, I like to keep everyone on their toes, so there were some slight variations to the workouts. They were both very tough workouts, but everyone pushed through and exceeded my expectations as usual.

5:30 a.m.
Clean & Jerk

Nelia-90 pounds

For Time:
-Box Jumps

Fastest Time: Nelia-9:16

Finish With:
-50 Explosive Sit-Ups

7 a.m.
30 minute AMRAP:
-Run 1 Mile (just at the beginning).
*Do the following for the remainder of time.
-10 Pull-Ups
-20 Push-Ups
-30 Air Squats
*After time is up, finish with...
-800 m. Run
Troopers running in this fabulous weather.
Most Rounds: Sandy & Robin-6
Fastest Times: Robin-8:42, 4:16

Remember, there's open gym tomorrow from 8:30-10 a.m. for anyone that missed a workout. I hope everyone has a wonderful and stress-free week-before-Christmas weekend.
This kid knows how to have a relaxing weekend.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The #1 Reason Why I Love My Job: Our Clients

I had a completely different post planned out for today about a salad I made the other day. I know, so interesting. However, one of our clients surprised us by creating an awesome video of our group classes. I know I'm going to get made fun of for saying this, but I got a little emotional seeing the hard work and intensity that our clients bring to every workout. Their dedication inspires me everyday. Watch this quick video and tell me if it doesn't give you the chills.

Crossfit is about more than just working out and getting in shape. It's about empowering people, not just physically, but mentally as well. Most clients come in intimidated, out of shape and full of self-doubt. They're afraid to lift heavy weights or push themselves to their breaking point. They don't believe they can run a mile without stopping or push 100 pounds over their heads. Kipping pull-ups? Out of the question. Handstand push-up? Absolutely not.

After about a week, clients realize that they're no longer alone. They're surrounded by people with the same goals. No one is judging them if they can't do a burpee, but they are encouraging them to keep trying. Soon the impossible kipping pull-up becomes possible with the aid of a band and a little coaching. They're attempting handstand push-ups and even double-unders. Each week, a new goal is achieved and a PR is set. That self-doubt begins to slowly dwindle and their confidence begins to grow.

Yes, crossfit is about getting stronger, faster and healthier, but it's also about being part of a community. A community of people that are always encouraging you to push out one more rep, add five more pounds or run just a little faster. A community of people that want to beat your time, but will be the first ones to congratulate you when you beat them. A community of people that won't judge you when your hair is a mess, your clothes are drenched with sweat and you're lying flat on your back in the middle of the gym exhausted.

CrossFit builds a leaner, faster, healthier and most importantly, happier person. Does your workout do that for you?
Brock enjoying the girl to boy ratio at the morning workout.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday's WODs

Today the 5:30 a.m. crew did a workout inspired by an official CrossFit workout called "Murph."For all of you who have not experienced this amazing/terrible/crazy/exhausting workout, it goes a little something like this:

For time:
-Run 1 Mile
-100 Pull-Ups
-200 Push-Ups
-300 Air Squats
-Run 1 Mile

Yes, it's as difficult as it looks. I wanted my 5:30 a.m. crew to do this workout, but with a few variations. For everyone that missed this morning, here's what you need to do soon!

5:30 a.m.
30 Minute AMRAP:
-Run 1 Mile (just at the beginning)
*Do the following for the remainder of time.
-10 Push-Ups
-20 Dumbbell Swings
-30 Air Squats
*After time is up, finish with...
-800 m. Run

Most Rounds/Fastest Times: Nelia-10 Rounds. 7:50 Mile. 3:58 800 m.

The 7 a.m. crew worked on some olympic lifting this morning and finished with an intense couplet. A couplet is a workout that consists of only two different movements.  Don't let this fool you.  If it looks simple, it's usually extremely difficult.

7 a.m.
Clean and Jerk
Griselda clean and jerking 90 pounds!!
For Time:
-Kettle Bell Swings
-Box Jumps
Check out all the hard work at 7 a.m.!
*Fastest Time: Griselda-7:10

-25 Toes to the Bar

The 5:30 a.m. and 7 a.m. groups can look forward to flip-flopping workouts on Friday. I want to make sure that everyone gets to share in the "FUN!"
Real men drink out of a pink, Disney princess
water bottle.
**On a side note, I clean and jerked my body weight today (120 pounds). I missed my next attempt at 125 pounds though. Next time!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lightened-Up Chicken Enchiladas

I do not claim to be an amazing chef, but I believe I've created some healthy alternatives to some favorite dishes over the years. I've always loved to eat, but was hit with the harsh reality in college that I cannot eat whatever I want. My roommates and I decided to try to take some of our favorite recipes and tweak them to make them a little healthier.  Some were a major fail (chocolate chip cookies sans butter and sugar...gross!), but others turned out just as good, if not better than the original. I will be sharing some of those recipes each week.

One thing you'll quickly learn about my cooking is that I use whatever I have in my pantry or refrigerator. I personally enjoy this because each time I make a dish, it's always a little different depending on what I have. Yesterday, I made some chicken enchiladas filled with sauteed squash, zucchini, green bell pepper, corn, tomatoes and vegetarian refried beans.
The ingredients, minus the chicken. No one wants to see raw chicken.
The first step is to marinate the cubed chicken pieces in a little olive oil, salt, pepper and lime juice. Next, brown the chicken and add the vegetables in to cook. At this time, I usually put the beans on the stove with a little cheese and enchilada sauce. Once everything is cooked, I spoon the mixtures into corn tortillas. Roll them and place them into a baking dish. Top the filled tortillas with enchilada sauce (I use a can of green and red sauce) and some cheese.
Before they were cooked. Looking delicious already.
Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes and then broil on high for a few minutes until the top is slightly crispy.
Almost ready...
Garnish with some cilantro, jalapenos, pico de gallo and lime juice. Enjoy 1-2 enchiladas with a crisp salad and zero guilt.
Stop drooling and go make some. You're welcome.
*I also made some homemade tortilla chips. Cut a few corn tortillas into triangles. Add about 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt. Broil on high until chips are slightly browned and crispy. Better, cheaper and healthier than any bag of chips you'll find at the grocery store.
The fresh sea salt is the key ingredient.
A quick shout out to the birthday boy, Walter.  He turned 1 yesterday. He claimed it was his best birthday yet!
Walter enjoyed a little bite of chicken.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday's WOD

Another great workout today! I'm proud of all my outdoor boot campers for showing up at 5:30 a.m., even with the threat of rain.  I love the dedication! This morning we had a challenging endurance WOD. I did this workout last Friday and wanted to share the fun with all of my fabulous boot campers.  Here it is:

5:30 a.m.
5 Rounds for Time:
-800 m. run
-10 Dumbbell T Push-Ups
-20 straight leg Sit-Ups
Rest 2 minutes between each round

*Fastest 800 m. intervals: Nelia-3:59, 3:41, 3:39, 3:43, 3:33

7 a.m.
-Same as 5:30 a.m.

*Fastest 800 m. intervals: Robin-4:32, 4:34, 4:38, 4:26, 4:13
After an intense run with my favorite running partner.
More to come on Wednesday afternoon!

I Do CrossFit...Cross What???

As I previously mentioned here, I am a crossfit coach. More times than not, when I tell people this, their response is, "What's crossfit?" So, here is a quick description for those of you that are curious and even for those of you that do crossfit, but are still unsure of how to describe it when people ask you what the heck you're doing because you look so dang good!
If this isn't motivation, then I don't know what is.
The official definition of CrossFit is "constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement." Huh? It means that we do many different movements that we use in our daily lives, such as squatting or lifting objects over head, and perform them at a rapid pace to increase efficiency of the movements.  The three main components of crossfit are olympic lifting (cleans, squats, presses, clean and jerk, snatch), gymnastics (handstands, pull-ups, dips, push-ups, sit-ups, flips, splits, holds) and metabolic conditioning (bike, run, swim, row). Each of these elements are always done hard and fast!
A WOD we did in boot camp. Excuse my terrible handwriting.
Sound intimidating? Don't let it be. Although crossfit is designed to challenge elite athletes, it can be modified to meet the needs of severely deconditioned individuals of all ages. Crossfit has been shown to increase the quality of life for EVERYONE! It's almost the new year, so stop thinking about getting in shape and take action. You'll never look back!
If Dick can do crossfit at 75, so can you!
"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action has arrived, stop thinking and go in." -Napoleon Bonaparte

Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday's WODs

Another day of hard work for my boot campers. 1 week down for the December session and 3 to go.  I'm excited to see what everyone is capable of this month!  Here are today's workouts:

5:30 a.m.
21-15-9 (reps)
-Cleans (Full Squats!!)
-Pull Ups
Kirsten getting ready to crush the WOD!
*Fastest Time: Kirsten-7:56

10 min. AMRAP with a Partner:
-Row 10 calories
-Butterfly sit ups until partner reaches 10 calories
Micaella, Nelia and Griselda looking great after a tough workout.
Most Calories Rowed: Holly & Nelia-110

7 a.m.
21-15-9 (reps)
-Cleans (Full Squats!!)
-Pull Ups

Robin pushing through the pain!

*Fastest Time: Robin-9:32

10 min. AMRAP:
-Row 10 calories
-10 V-ups
-25 singles (jump rope)
Great form, Steph!
Most Rounds: Karen-5 + Row

This workout may be hard to make up if you missed today, but you can always use dumbbells for the cleans and sub push ups for the pull ups. If there's a will, there's a way. Get a great workout in so you can enjoy your weekend, guilt free!